The Good Stuff.


Got my flu shot. This year's version protects against four strains. I think it's a good idea to get one.


Getting sick is tough. Getting the flu is really tough. But getting the flu if you are self-employed just flat out Turbo Sucks. I asked my doctor's staff to call me as soon as this year's flu shots came in so I could rush into the office and get one. They called yesterday and we scheduled an appointment for today. I know I could go to the local pharmacy, walk in and get a flu shot for about $10 but my doctor provides them from free and I also get a quick check on my blood pressure and, if needed/wanted, a quick consult with my doctor. I didn't have any aches or pains to talk about today and my blood pressure was a nifty 115 over 65 so I thought I'd save everyone some time and skip the chit-chat. I was in and out of the doctor's office in ten minutes. No lollipops (I swear I didn't cry) or stickers but I did get a free band-aid.

Nothing is worse than working while sick or trying to recover from the flu. It's also not fair to everyone else. The additional downside of getting the flu is that this business owner doesn't get paid sick days so everyday moaning, slurping up chicken soup and laying on the couch trying to watch movies on TV while blowing my nose is a lost day of revenue, opportunity, camaraderie and play.

From a medical/ethical point of view I visit a memory care facility to see my dad at least once a week. Most of the residents there are in their late eighties or early nineties and something like the flu can be deadly to folks with compromised immune systems. I'd hate to be the guy with the low grade fever or slight cough who decided to visit anyway and somehow contributed to someone's demise.

Finally, I'm flying on two different domestic trips and two international trips in the fourth quarter and I'll be damned if I want to catch the flu as my reward for traveling.

Do they make Purell for cameras? Just thought I'd ask...


  1. I will be getting mine asap as well. Good insurance and free up here in Canada.

  2. Quite. I got mine a week ago, as I've been doing for the last twenty years. And though they don't completely keep the bug at bay, my infrequent bouts with it aren't nearly as violent as they used to be.

    Alcohol-based wipes work well for cameras and lenses. Just don't flush them.

  3. It's not free. Your taxes or someone's else's taxes are paying for it.

  4. Very prudent, especially since my doctor says that it takes 2 weeks for the vaccine to become fully effective.

  5. Hey Tinderbox, calm down. I've written here before that I have invested in a concierge physician service which I pay $x,xxx per year for, in addition to conventional ACA approved health insurance. The flu shot is covered by my concierge physician's fee. I pay for it. We're all in this together. Everyone should get a flu shot and we should all chip in our part to help keep everyone healthy because it's a small world and if someone gets sick we sometimes get to share that too.

  6. I carry a packet of hand sanitizer wipes when traveling - gastro is quite contagious. Good for wiping the aircraft tray table down too.

  7. I don't think everybody should have a flu shot. I don't and I'm self employed. I know several people that got really sick from getting a flu shot.

  8. Be careful if you have allergic reactions to eggs. The vaccine is cultured in an egg medium and if you have allergies you may react to the flu shot.
    Found this out a few decades ago after a Flu Shot - and woke up 10 days later in the hospital when I came out of a Coma. They tested while I was under and I am allergic to "Duck Eggs". Who in the world would know that? Seems the Flu shot was cultured in Duck eggs at the time.
    Upshot is I am not good with chicken eggs. Mild reaction to severe depending on who knows what? Duck Eggs? I don't eat them, but I do check on the culture used for Flu shots. Now they have some that are egg free in the process but it takes effort to find them.

    Good luck, hope it works for you.

    Now..., the Pneumonia Shots - they sure do work for me. At least I'm protected from something. Just wish they would develop a Mother in Law shot.

  9. My employer sets up flu-shot clinics every year, and I go to them. As my parents age, this is becoming especially important. This is good advice you have given, as always.

  10. Had mine this morning. Free here for anyone considered vulnerable. For everyone else, it’s cheap. Some employers prudently pay for their employees to be vaccinated. And yes, someone’s taxes pays for a lot of it. That’s the problem with someone’s taxes; always paying for for something :-/.

  11. I have nothing to say about flu shots, but I LOVE this photo, Kirk (and always have). The lighting, the hands, the croissant - all irresistible!


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