The Good Stuff.


Sitting in another hotel room racing backward in time through a folder of images.

When I've finished shooting for the day, the client has dropped me off at my airport hotel, I've stumbled into yet another Hilton restaurant and looked for something remotely healthy to eat, I retreat to my room to re-pack for a trip to New Bern, NC in the early morning and then a flight through Charlotte, NC. to Tampa, FLA. I've been practicing the packing since Sunday; actually for years and years and it really doesn't take long once you've established a daily pattern...

I've uploaded the Jpeg files I shot, in tandem with the raw files, today. They're in a gallery on ready for my client to review. I've charged batteries, checked the front elements of lenses to see which might need to be cleaned and generally gotten all of my housekeeping out of the way. That's when I feel a bit empty and a bit like I'm in a holding pattern. And when that feeling hits I like to just look back over random but favorite images I've shot in the past. 

Some seem as though I shot them only yesterday and when I check the data I find a favorite image might be two or ten or even twenty years old. I've been uploading images to use on Blogger since 2009 and there is quite a huge collection at my Google pictures folder. I don't use everything I upload because sometimes, when I see an image in conjunction with a blogpost's content, it just doesn't seem to match up at all. 

But I like to look at them and remember what I was shooting with, and thinking, and eating and walking in at the time of the shot. Random bits of memory. Picture framed on the screen of my laptop.

I was riding back to the hotel today when I realized how few moments each of us has. It's enough to make me abandon work altogether and just spend my days roaming around with a camera. But, who am I kidding? Even the perfect pursuit would get old when pushed to excess. Instead, I'll just rummage through the online collection and see if any of the older work pushes me to do better current work. Maybe it's all a building process and one of us will be lucky enough to finish before we finish....


  1. On the other hand, you could be watching TV. . .

  2. Honey Glazed Marinated Pork A Bobs or Alligator On A Stick. Now there’s a dilemma we don’t often face. Glad to see some of the images from the EP2 still deserve a fond glance at times like this.

  3. While you are in Carolina you should try that good old eastern Carolina bar b que. if so you will give up that brisket stuff forever.

  4. What Daniel Walker suggested! New Bern is prime BBQ country. First, get converted to pulled pork. Then you can enter the theological disputations over whether vinegar or tomato based sauce is the one true BBQ base. Hope the hurricane damage is not too bad in New Bern.


  5. Can see why you enjoy looking over those photos. BTW - what’s reflected in the mirror on the scooter? Is that brick wall?
    Out of curiosity, as someone who deals in images for a living, do you cycle through images as backgrounds to your various screens (phone, laptop etc), or just go with something plain?
    Not THAT Ross Cameron


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