The Good Stuff.


Guess which camera will join the Panasonics in the VSL studios.

I'm buying a new camera. It's not a Panasonic. I thought I'd make it a bit of a guessing game and see who gets closest to the right answer. Let me know in the comments and all will be revealed on Thursday.

Hint: It is a current product.


  1. Black Magic 4K Not-A-Pocket Cinema Camera.

  2. Nikon mirrorless. Probably the lessor model (to start).

  3. Going out on a limb here: Fujifilm XT-3. Thinking of the control points, maybe the color/video, and perhaps a desire to have APS-C to round out the camera drawer; though there have been a few middling comments here. And if allowed to hedge, second candidate is the Nikon Z6 (Z6, not the Z7).
    Place your bets.


  4. Either 1) Fujifilm GFX 50S or 2) the Pentax 645Z. Lenses TBA. "It's hip to be square."

  5. Hmmm ... not a Panasonic. Own a good selection of m4/3rds lenses. Also of Nikkors. Probably not inclined to go into a new system. Proficient at manual focus, and using adapters on old lenses. Logic gate comes down on: Nikon Z7!

  6. I was going to suggest either the Nikon Z or the new Fuji but that seemed to be a zero sum gain. Well except for the Nikon since you would be able to use your Nikkor glass. Then I thought, maybe digital MF. Please don't tell me you are buying the new Canon mirrorless...

  7. Fujifilm X-T3. You will enjoy the traditional controls.

  8. I think the first answer was the correct one. But we'll see...

  9. I think as video is now 1/2 of your workload, that either like Michael Mathews said, the Blackmagic 4K 'pocket' cinema camera or the Z camera E2.

    I've been seeing a bunch of reviews and such on the BM camera recently, so that is the more likely of the two. B&H says that it is shipping in limited quanities.

    After a lot of hype this summer, the Z camera E2 has gone radio silent. Perhaps they are ready to ship and you are getting one of the first bodies, perhaps not.

  10. whatever incarnation of the new iphones?

  11. The iPhone XR perhaps?

  12. Nikon Z7 or Z6, with the FTZ adapter.

  13. Hope this doesn't post twice, but "publish" didn't show my guess.
    Is it the new iPhone XR you mentioned earlier?

  14. iPhone, probably the newest one.

  15. This is like guessing which squirrel the dog barks at first. So I’ll guess a micro 4/3 video specific body.

  16. That pocket Sony with the zoom that you said previously that you could have used for the whole trip.

  17. Hasselblad X1D and the 80mm f/1.9 lens

  18. Going waaaay out on a limb here. Current iPhone?

  19. A7iii. Only because no one else has suggested it yet

  20. Bill Stormont already went to the Fuji GFX 50S, although I think the (shipping this month) GFX 50R is more your style, especially since you love to Zig when people expect you to Zag. :) The only things that bring the probability to nearly zero are: The practicalities of Micro Four Thirds being enough, and the cost, even though it is the most attractive (to me) entry into the land of "super full frame".

  21. Olympus Pen F.

    Still a current model!

  22. You're going with the Pen-F, seduced by the allure of the sexy bod, oblivious to the fact that your loyal Panasonics will focus so much more quickly and reliably.

  23. Brand spanking new iPhone. Could not say which model though. Only makes sense for you as you always follow the crowd -(KIDDING)

  24. Well, as the studio dog has already explained to you...more dog treats, you don’t need any more cameras. But if you already did the deed, I am guessing something for snapshots and ultra small.... a new phone, not necessarily an iphone or a small rangefinder like gx9; or something to go with nikkors and nikon one of the nikon mirrorless, allowing you to ditch the dslrs. Gonna nix the idea of huge files from no MF.

  25. Either a Holga or a Sprocket Rocket.

  26. I am betting with the Z6/Z7 responses, though an iPhone wouldn't surprise me. Probably the Z7, not the Z6, because you are tempted by medium format, but medium format is not enough of a difference over the Z7. The iPhone is maybe too cute right now. The XT-3 is too much of a commitment at this point. The Sony all-in-one is something you recommend to others.

    Besides, you are into Nikon.

  27. Lordy, current model, not a panny. Doubt you’ve gone for more video what with the pannys. Doubt you want huge files as you’ve already got a Nikon to do that. You just got your fill of landscapes, and you are a people photog primarily.....You sure it’s a camera and not a new car? I gotta go with either a new phone or a fixed lens small thing...possibly a PenF in pristine condition for a bargain at your fave store.

  28. I am betting with the Z6/Z7 responses, though an iPhone wouldn't surprise me. Probably the Z7, not the Z6, because you are tempted by medium format, but medium format is not enough of a difference over the Z7. The iPhone is maybe too cute right now. The XT-3 is too much of a commitment at this point. The Sony all-in-one is something you recommend to others.

  29. Let's see, your GH5 and GH5S are reported to be more than enough for video, the G9 excellent for stills. So it must either be a Z6/7 since you have several Nikon bodies and lenses, or that Sony RX10 IV if you are going to continue doing workshops (you did have that fling with the Panasonic FZ1000). Or maybe you are going for the new model Leica Q? :)


  30. I know you hate Olympus menu, so will not be the Em1mk2. I think you said you wanted to play with the new Nikon so my first guess is Z6. If that is not out yet then my second guess is iPhone xr, as you said 2 people in Iceland were shooting with phones.

  31. A beautifully reconditioned Olympus Trip ...... oh sorry - that’s what’s joining my kit soon :)

  32. Oooo, speculation. Okay, so from what I have seen the isn't world between the Bm4k and the GH5s which you have, and not much between the em1.2 and the g9 so it won't be Olympus' flagship.

    You have a slew of m43rds lenses, all current and very useful, and a reasonable selection of Nikon lenses and used bodies... The new z6 and z7 seem logical as there isn't much to expand your m43rds bodies right now... But there is something that tells me you don't get a massively better video than your current Panasonic bodies, and not much additional resolution than your current Nikon bodies...

    You say it is a current body, but I can see you getting a Fuji, only because it is a whole new lens suite.

    So my guess is something like an lx100 product with a built in lens.

    Looking forward to the reveal.

  33. GoPro.
    Small, waterproof, decent video, fits in pocket.


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