The Good Stuff.


OT: The travel day of a zany working photographer. Not everything takes place in Manhattan or Austin.....

So, I am making portraits of supervisors, managers and Vice Presidents of a large infrastructure company this week. I'm photographing people at the various projects where they are most actively involved. Most outsiders think big projects like building lakes, clearing a swath of land for miles and miles in order to run high power lines, or building a dam, happen close to the glittering metropoli but what I've found out is that there's a huge number of these projects happening out in the middle of nowhere. And if I'm going to photograph the people who are making the work happen, at the locations of their various projects, then I'm going to be traveling far from the techno-yuppie--latté-world.

I went to bed at nine p.m. last night. I don't usually do that. My whole family is a nest of night owls. Even the dog. But my client had arranged for a 5:13 a.m. flight from Austin. I was up at 3:30 am, at the  airport at 4:15 and in the air by 5:16. Not my usual schedule. But here's the deal: the closest airport hub to Bastian, VA. is Charlotte, NC, which is just about a 3 hour (speedy) drive from Bastian. To hit our schedule for our three shooting days this week I needed to get from Charlotte airport (where I got in around 8:30) to the rental car facility, and then on the road quick to be able to rendezvous with 12 people who needed be photographed... starting around 12:30. We found a great spot at the top of a dirt road, overlooking several mountains and a high voltage power line, as a background element, running straight down into the valley. It was a chilly 30 degrees when we got started and you would have laughed at the look of my lighting gear = flashes covered (loosely) with Ziploc plastic bags. Why? Because it started to sleet while we were shooting.  The subjects were all committed. They didn't seem to mind a few ice pellets to the face.... so I joined in the fun.

We wrapped up in an hour and I turned around and headed back to Charlotte to turn in my rental car, check my lighting case, and get set up for my flight to Evansville, Indiana. We flew in on one of the dinky dwarf jets. And the Think Tank backpack still fit under the seat in front of me. The flight was delayed which was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it meant the photographer actually had time to sit down and eat a turkey, brie cheese and green apple slice sandwich, and guzzle down an iced tea. A curse because it meant arriving in Evansville around 9 pm and still having to secure the next rental car and then drive an hour to the tiny town of Jasper, Indiana, which is the rally point for tomorrow's photoshoot.

I meant to grab something to eat in Jasper but when I arrived I realized that everything (EVERYTHING) closes around 9 pm and arriving at 10 pm looking for good food means you are just shit out of luck (as they say in parts of Texas). I settled for a single serving bag of Planters peanuts, a couple of cookies I saved from the morning's flight, and a Blue Moon, Belgian White Ale. Ah....the dinner of creative champions. (yeah, yeah. I know. You would have packed a Yeti cooler with all kinds of nutritious food and Fedex'd it ahead....).

I've taken a shower, charged batteries and transferred files to my laptop. I'm ready to crawl into bed and sleep. I don't have to get up early tomorrow. My lead on this part of the project has to be in a safety meeting miles away in the morning and we're going to meet up at my hotel later, around 8 am. I just have to make sure we work efficiently so I can make it back to the airport in time to catch my circuitous flight to Raleigh-Durham, by way of Dallas Ft. Worth.  But that's a different story.

But we may be near the end of the project. We're just dancing around the final portrait of one of the company's founders. If the stars line up we'll head to Tampa for that one at the end of this week. Oh dear. Another four days out of the swimming pool. That cinches it. I'm taking all of December off. I you need me I'll just be swimming and writing a blog.

Today's camera of choice? The Fuji X-T3, coupled with the 18-55mm f xx-xx


  1. Wait. Fuji? I thought it was going to be G9 this trip. Olympus 12-100 and Panasonic 12-60. Got to keep us guessing. I'm sure you're having fun with this switching back and forth. One of these trips, you're going to take camera x and y batteries.


  2. You are a brave man, honestly. This whole trip looks and sounds like you are a war corresponent covering major events happening in a vast area of US of A. I hope you are compensated well for your efforts, but your health and well-being has to be addressed as well. I am glad December will be devoted to your personal life.

  3. Getting used to the Fuji, have you tried Focus Bracketing yet? Some friends who are solid Pro photographers have them and use Focus Bracketing a lot for their Architectural work. Really like the option. On both the X-T and the medium format bodies. Have seen it in action and sure does give you another tool for creative images.

  4. I'm mentally exhausted just reading this tale of driving, flying, driving, shooting, driving, flying, etc. I applaud and am in awe of your organization abilities. I know that your fitness level is a huge help doing this. Just one more benefit of regular exercise. Or so I keep telling myself while on the dreaded treadmill. (I awoke to icy streets on which I won't run.)

    I'll be interest in hearing how the Fuji performs for you, but regardless of your report, it won't change my mind about my XT2. It feels like an extension of my hand and I think about it about as much as I do my hand when shooting. I like a camera I can ignore.

    The 18-55 is a great little lens and is one of those very rare stabilized Fuji lenses. I have it and the 16-55, which I much prefer until I need IS, which is often these days.

    Fuji claims that IBIS will make the bodies too big (e.g., XH1) so why not focus on the lenses? Something is better than nothing (sometimes).

    Happy travels.

  5. With all this flying, I'm curious how you deal with carbon debt. Do you worry about it? Do you pay it and how? I go to Paris each year and Air France has a nice built-in system but these small airlines, I don't think so. And finally, do you bill it to your clients? Years ago, when I was flying more for work, I could pass it on to some clients but others not. As many people have already pointed out to me, best idea is not to fly and I've cut back but still...

    1. Thanks Greg. I will check with my client and see if they have a program in place to pay for their (and by extension, mine) carbon debt. Personally, I think we should all stop flying and take trains. Seriously. It would be a hell of a lot more fun too.

    2. +1 to taking trains. But they always pass through the most visually fascinating places and you can't get off to make photographs.

  6. That 18-55 isn't weather-resistant- better save it for Tampa!



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