The Good Stuff.


Who is my current, favorite, smart blogger writing about the side of photography that has to do with thought and theory and not "nyquist-crappola-equivilence-gear." ???

Oh yeah. That would be Mr. A. Molitor. He's been writing great stuff over at "Photos and Stuff" for a enough time to prove to me that he's on to something good and that he had a great, cynical sense of humor.

Try this one out for size:

No disclaimers needed here. He's not trying to sell you anything and, on this post, neither am I.

Go read some of A. Molitor's stuff if you are getting bored here. Warning: I think he's smarter and funnier than me. Sad. For. Me.

Damn mathematicians....

A snippet from his most recent: A common thing that happens on the Internet where n00bs appear is that a n00b shows up with a need to take some photographs of products. His girlfriend is making artisanal crack pipes or something, ....


  1. I don't know whether to thank you for turning me on to a great blog, or condemn you for giving me a large amount of back reading to do!

    1. Pretty great stuff though, right? I've been reading him for about a year and it keeps getting better and better...

  2. Thanks definitely worth reading, I love his humour

  3. I have to say that the post you referred to put me off. I don't see a reason to use a cute, derogatory term like "noob" to refer to people who have less knowledge than you do. Ignorance is something we all start with, and the only crime is embracing your ignorance. I seem to remember an Austin photographer who not too long ago was floundering around, looking for his way in the new world of video and sound production.

    And the girlfriend who makes "artisanal crack pipes or something"? Not much respect there, for someone who may be trying to be a fellow artist. Putting other people down is fun. And it is his blog. But I'll think I'll pass.

    1. Hmmm. I don't know. My 90 year old dad hates spicy Mexican food but most of us really, really like it. I don't think Andrew got it much wrong. Many, Many people blunder around on the internet and demand quick answers instead of doing even a modicum of research on their own or taking the time to read. I think we can also err on the side of being a bit too... Polly-Ann-ish. And if you are referring to my time adjusting to new, hybrid/ mirrorless video production I would remind you that my video and TV commercial credits extend back to 1985 . I can't remember asking anywhere but on my own blog for any clarification about technique. In his own way A. Molitor is calling for people to embrace a bit of competence. But I guess in today's climate competence is mostly frowned on. I'm firmly on the side of cynical and pointed writing. But then again, there's a ton of material on the web; enough for everyone...

    2. Further reading should show that he is not trying to put anyone else down for the sake of it and he is pretty self-critical when he wants to be.

      IMHO, he sees through the bullshit, the marketing and the pretence and calls it when he sees it. I also think he is quite erudite and I have learned a bit about art generally from him.

    3. dito - have discovered lots of negativity there on an earlier visit. Nothing for me...

  4. Thank you, Kirk, you are far too kind! I wish I could shoot like you.

  5. Been reading some of Molitor’s archives. And frankly relish his intolerance of dunces. But as you say, there’s a blog for everyone on the vast system of tubes. Having a son who teaches creative writing, and who has seen the MFA crowd ad nauseum, I particularly admire the harpoons given into the sides of the academic artista. Ciao. And put those Pen FTs on the X-E3.


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