The Good Stuff.


A quick, quick heads up. B&H and Amazon currently have the Fuji X-H1 and the battery grip (with two Fuji batteries) on sale for $1299. Go check. Limited time.

It looks like the sales have subsided. The current price of $1299 isn now for "body only." Still worth considering but not quite the adrenaline pumper the price was when the battery grip was included..... (writes K.T. on Monday morning...). 

I spent a full day with the Fuji X-H1 on Thursday. Shot 1200+ shots with it. Loved looking at them in post. Imagine my surprise when Michael Johnston's blog had a note that the camera with the battery grip and the two batteries for the grip was on sale at B&H for $1299. That's amazingly cheap. I vacillated for an hour, finger hovering over the "buy" button. In the end good sense overcame fear and trepidation and I just went ahead and ordered one.

If you want one check with B&H and Amazon (who subsequently price matched...). But if you decide you want one then consider going to Michael's blog and ordering it through his links. I don't do links to B&H. Never got set up to deal with it. MJ deserves it since he found it and alerted me.

I'm loving my time with the Fujis. They work.

Coming soon. My rationalization for owning two Fuji X-H1 cameras...... yeah, gotta write it. It's good therapy....

Just got word. My second X-H1 is on the way! Now to clear out some inventory clutter to make way... Anybody need a barely used X-E3 (Bought new in October) or a used by nice condition X-E2? Drop me a line. Let's make a deal. 


  1. Okay, time for an intervention... C'mon, I mean C'mon. You must have about 6 Fuji bodies by now but you still have only 2 hands and 2 eyes :)

    You might even have more bodies than lenses!!

  2. Kirk: About to buy an X-T3 or an X-H1. Currently shoot an X-T1. Price difference isn't huge. I'm mostly a stills shooter (nature,travel,candid portraits) with occasional video, but wanting to do more video. X-H1 seems a bit large to me, but IBIS is very attractive. X-T3 has improved autofocus and video and battery life, but NO IBIS. Thoughts on handling and other differences?

    1. I'll jot some thoughts down and post them this week. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Kirk, is your email working? I tired to ask about your XE3 and XE2 using the address on, but messages bounced.

    1. Hi Steve, if you clicked the e-mail address it might not work but if you copy and paste the e-mail address it will work every time. Sorry about that. I'd love to hear from you. Thanks, Kirk

  4. Interesting looking strap on the X-H1 in the photo. Is this the strap that ships with it or ???

  5. "As I rarely shoot with continuous AF enabled" why?

    1. I grew up learning to shoot SLRs and TLRs which had focusing aids in the center of the frame. In portraiture I find my goal is to hit the focus point I want and to lock it in there. It seems easier and more accurate to do so in single focus mode. If I were a sports photographer I guess I'd have a different way of working. I have use the C-AF+back button focusing mode and it works but feels unnatural to me.


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