The Good Stuff.


A totally different image from yesterday's photo session with Lauren.

©2019 Kirk Tuck


  1. Fascinating the differences between this and the other one. Lovely, but very different feeling photograph.

    Which one of these two do you (or does she) think most look like her? In the day to day?


    1. This is a more accurate image in terms of Lauren's day-to-day look; at least in my mind....

    2. Nifty. This one looked a spot more 'documentary' to me, lovely portrait.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I prefer this one a little. In the other she seems a little caught between wanting to smile and wanting to control it (I do the same thing when people take photos of me).

  4. Two weeks later, are you already feeling liberated?


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