The Good Stuff.


I have officially shaken off all vestiges of that nasty cold I wrote about last week.

Here's my favorite thought about colds: My doctor says most colds resolve in seven to ten days. He gave me a miracle drug. He said it might cut down my suffering by a day. He just wasn't sure where in the 7 to 10 days that day might fall....


  1. I was wondering about your cold today while I was resting between repeats in the pool. My high school swimming coach always used to say swim through it. It appears from your experience that taking lots of pictures will cause the cold to go away after seven to 10 days :-).

  2. I think we may be returning to the rather sleepy industry we had in the last half of the 20th century, when Nikon (for instance) updated its top-line cameras every eight or ten years or so, and even then, the updates weren't really considered mandatory -- if you had an F4, or even an F3, you might think a while before going to an F5. With digital, with huge leaps every year, the companies got used to photographers updating every couple of years because there *were* huge differences. If somebody put a gun to my head and asked what companies I think might go down, I might suggest Sony -- not that I think that the company will go down, but Sony, as a company, and over the years, has not tolerated under-performing tech, and cameras may begin to be seriously under-performing. Nikon, on the other hand, has no choice -- it's cameras or nothing. So, they cut staff, cut research, keep their heads down and accept slower sales. Our kind of cameras will again become elite machines, as they were in the 20th century, where the average person had a P&S or maybe a Polaroid, and you had to be at least somewhat serious about photography to have a Nikon or Canon and the associated lenses. -- John Camp

  3. Not THAT Ross CameronApril 9, 2019 at 2:17 AM

    A saying in medical circles- with treatment a cold resolves in a bit over a week. Left untreated it resolves in 7-10 days.
    It’s just fluids and rest.
    Two weeks ago my son got it from day care. I got it from him last week. I think we reinfected each other this week, converting to a cough for both of us.


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