The Good Stuff.


I thought I'd get a jump on all the other bloggers and vloggers and write the review for next year's Sony RX100VIII. Of course, it's a technology marvel....

I'm going to break my advanced NDA with Sony and blast forward to quickly review the next model of their vaunted RX100 series, compact cameras. It's inevitable that all of this information will leak out over the course of the next few months anyway and I thought I'd beat everyone to the punch. Perhaps, a la DP Review, I will also do the relentless: First Blush Review, the Preview, the 'Hands On' Preview, the Review in Progress, Part One of a Two Part Review, Part Two of a Two Part Review, Our Gallery of Incredibly Banal Photos from our Multi-part Review, Chris and Jordan's Quasi Humorous but very earnest (in the style of Canadians) Video Review, The In-Depth Interview with one of Sony's Janitors, and, of course, Barney's Comparison with the Leica he proudly saved up for years to buy....  And then maybe I'll follow it all up with a comparison between all the RX100 cameras Sony has made over the last seven or eight years.

But first, the review, looking back from from late 2020.

We at VSL were pretty impressed when we learned of all the improvements that have been made to the Sony RX100VIII over the previous model. To start with we now have a camera that can shoot at the incredible frame rate of over 110 fps. Using a double-decker, back AND front side illuminated, one inch sensor allows the camera to shoot at ISOs that will give the operators nose bleed while maintaining colors that are richer than Bill Gates and more saturated than (the fat in cheap bacon?) any previous camera. 

We stole a document off a DP Review server about the future RX100VIII camera and find that Rishi, the nuclear-quantum-string theory-chemist-engineer-triple doctorate in physics expert who vets that site's technical word salad, has indicated that the camera will have " lots of quantum." And lots and lots of "Nyquist" and he would not be surprised to find that it also features "extinction" and "delta" but almost certainly does have a "retrogressive interference something" which means, in as simple words as possible = "Sony is always best".  Or it could also be summarized as "a diffraction-enabled tool paradigm love." 

The lens on the camera has five sections of extension and extends from the "equivalence explains everything" angle of view that mimics, in vain, a 23.5mm focal length lens on full frame; albeit with an f64 aperture when used in an equivalently optimum fashion. At the long end the Zeiss/Leica/Lomo hybrid lens goes all the way out the omniquivalent dangle of view of a 205mm lens, all the while besting its predecessor by opening up to f2.78 at the wide angle setting and f4.4 at the long end. These are equal to f27 and f45 on a real, non-loser, full frame camera. 

Sony boasts that image stabilization will reward users with the ability to handhold even the longest focal lengths at something greater than three and one half minutes.....or long enough for a quick interview with the 5.25K video the camera has packed into it's tiny body. A camera body small enough to fit into the pockets of a 300 pound man trying to wear size 28 (waist in inches) blue jeans. 

As with the previous model there will be a pop-up EVF that matches up with the user's right eye but now features "Sony Optical Velcro" to form a tighter connection between the finder and the human eye. 

The camera also features some new filters including: the "I'm so trashed" filter (just perfect for frat parties), the "I hate that girl and want her to look 20 pounds bigger shaming filter", the "I'm trying to save my relationship by making my girlfriend look better" filter, as well as a simulated "drone" filter which works by tricking the weak-minded into thinking that they are actually looking at photographs that were taken twenty feet up in the air (all done with an incestuous blend of machine learning and A.I.).

There are thirty new function buttons, all of which can be re-configured and all of which also change their settings at random. None of which are marked. 

The camera features "shoot and post while you drive" Wi-Fi while low powered bluetooth is also present just for because it looks so good on the spec sheet and men seem to love the word, "bluetooth" nearly as much as the word, "titanium" or the phrase, "carbon fiber." Which it has. All of it. In spades.

Party animals and selfie fans alike will appreciate a pop-up flash that sports a negative guide number.

The camera continues to look the same, operate the same, and provide the same kinds of photographs and video that the previous model provided, but goes a long way to cure the wretched "excess money" syndrome and replace it with "the technology in my camera will save me!" syndrome.

There will be nothing external to distinguish this camera from the six that came before it. You'll only really be able to tell the difference by looking at the upgraded price tag. But... Steve Huff will love it. Jared Polin will review it and then wonder why Nikon doesn't make one to best it. Hugh Brownstone will be amazed. Then confused by it. And finally will order everyone within earshot to: "Hold that thought." Matt Granger will double-switch systems. And Jason Lanier won't have time to test it because.....

Zach Arias will tape white gaffer's tape over the Sony logo and then use a Sharpie to hand draw the Fuji logo on the front. Thom Hogan will pillory it for not having the communications protocols to effortlessly communicate with his Braniac 2000 main frame computer. James Popsys will lust after one but get shut down in his attempt to buy one by Emily. Finally, Ken Rockwell will love it and pronounce its Jpegs to be the sharpest on the planet. Lloyd Chambers will refuse to acknowledge its existence while Ming Thein will start providing RX100VIII specific Curation Workshops. 

 Yes. Of course. I have one on pre-order at Amazon.


  1. Hah!! Thanks for the multi review now I don’t have read any of of em saved me some time. Loved it!!!!

  2. Great review. I'm looking forward to not being able to afford one, and settle for a used RX100 four or five generations older.

  3. Thanks for reminding me why I gave up on all those reviews & reviewers.

  4. You forgot to mention it has three card slots!


  5. Ha!You forgot to mention that the 1" sensor is an 8" equivalent.

  6. I heard it even does eye focus on goldfish. Pretty cool. It's in menu setting P-123.37A, the 42nd page of menus....

  7. Hilarious! 🤣 And, as satire usually is, not too far off from the reality of blathering, buy-from-me reviewers.

  8. Kirk,

    I finished reading it a few minutes ago and I am still laughing, "hold that thought".

  9. Little known fact.....

    The Death Star was built to exact revenge on Obi Wan because he posted a snarky review about Darth Vader's preferred light saber brand on an enthusiast site.

  10. Is this finally the smartphone destroying p&s we've all been waiting for?

  11. I was interested in this model but the lack of onboard cholesterol reduction is a deal breaker for me.

  12. I will stick with my Lumix G9 (micro 4/3 sensor) and D800/D610 (ancient technology) until they increase the size of the sensor in the Sony (1"). The noise, dynamic range and lack of bokeh is simply not good enough for my Instgram posts.

    Funny how none of the YouTube crowd worry about dynamic range, noise and bokeh when Sony are paying for the trip to New York (if that is where they were). Yet mention micro 4/3s and you can't shut them up.

    Sorry, couldn't resist a dig.

  13. Your review convinced me. I'm going to get one.


  14. Can't wait to play "Pokemon Go" on it...

  15. Some time ago, I postulated that the next camera from will have an identical pet scanner. Upon taking the 10th picture of your cat, the camera will lock up, until you take some other pictures besides your pets.

    Unlike most features, this isn't aimed at the photographer, but instead the long suffering spouse of the hobby photographer, who has run out of synonyms for 'that is a nice picture'.

    I imagine perhaps there might be similar filters for things like your last meal, etc.

  16. No anamorphic lens setting with simulated horizontal flare? How can anyone hope to achieve cinematic video?

  17. Can u put a filter on it? Round or Square. As I have Square filters and one can't be creative without square filters, i wouldn't recommend this camera unless it lets me be more creative than i already am

  18. Here I sit after coming back from photographing farm silo's in fog at daybreak with the 1926 vintage Deardorff 5x7 - which still has the original bellows. Was going to upgrade to a 1950 model but since I have that one in 8x10 I held off. A newer Ries wooden tripod and an even newer Pentax digital spot meter... and newer yet Ilford FP4+ film have me on location with gear that works.

    And yes, I do have new stuff as well with a nice Nikon D300 and 24, 50, 105, 200 and 600 manual focus lenses. All from shooting news work some time ago.

    I see a ton of new gear in the hands of folks who know every technical detail and are happy to tell me all about it. Most don't have any actual photographs to show.

  19. Kirk, I'm going to skip this one. RX100 IX will definitely have more appeal to me judging from what has leaked to the press so far :)

  20. I have just discovered, that I've run out of GAS.

    I still use my iPhone 8 plus for most images (right chest pocket), and my Osmo Pocket (left chest pocket) with control wheel for all my personal use imaging. My right inside pocket holds a power bank and two USB feed cables; last used on the Belgian National day July 21, 2019 with lot's of interesting result now in the (NLE) editing pipeline.

    All my Canon and Panasonic gear, I have collected over the years - somehow - seem to remain in their bags, never to be used anymore.

    Sad, but...

  21. From an article in Nature Magazine:

    The director of CERN in Geneva has announced a new category of mysterious force in the universe.

    We have Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and now we have Dark Awesome. Discovered accidentally in a little known Art Blog in Austin Texas (soon to be re-named Awesome Texas), the brain of this blogger had collected and concentrated so much Dark Awesome that it suddenly spewed out in a quirky version of Hawking Radiation.

    The result being that the targets of this Dark Awesome energy suddenly realized that they were Quantum Entangled at the frequency of camera press release cycles rather than the frequency of Photokina shows which had previously been the case back in the Jurassic period.

    In a version of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal, observation of this phenomenon means that you can know EITHER the accuracy of the information in a vlog/blog, or the source but not both at the same time.

    Several papers are forthcoming in this exciting new field of physics.

  22. This text is a satirical masterwork, highlighting the absurdity of the camera business at the moment.

    Shame on me: I would like to have an RX 100 Mark 7. Preferably with a fully articulated screen, though, and with a dioptre adjustment which keeps its setting.
    I had the mark 1. It was so slick it glided out of my hand, fell on the floor and was broken.

  23. I really need that negative guide # pop up flash.....but I am still shooting film.....luckily I still have the "Latent Image Viewer" I bought from an upper classman back in the 80's , when I was attending Brooks Institute....

  24. How many card slots? If there aren't at least 3 with one capable of 10GB/s its a deal breaker!!

  25. Brilliant.

    Additionally, pixel pitch is such that it actually outperforms "crop" and "uncrop" alike, when adjusted for micro contrast.

    Kirk Tuck is placing all his Fuji gear for sale together with his D700 and his G85, and will go all in on Sony 1". Loves the purity of the vintage experience of prowling the streets of Austin, just him and his classic RX100 Mark 2. For travel, he packs a half dozen RX100s inside a Bowen Softbox.


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