The Good Stuff.


Temporarily Paradise. This morning Austin had to be one of the nicest places on earth. And a great morning to swim.

I crawled out of bed, brushed my teeth and grabbed my camera and a clean towel and headed out to go to the pool. When I stepped outside the front door I got somewhat of a shock. The temperature overnight (IN THE MIDDLE OF JULY!!!!!) had gotten down to 61 degrees and even at 8 a.m. the skies were clear, the humidity was low and the thermometers all read 68 degrees. Absolutely amazing. For the last couple of days we've had dry, north winds and unseasonably low temperatures. I know it won't last but I'm savoring every minute of it. 

I hit the pool for the 8 a.m. workout and the water was....perfect. About 80 degrees and crystal clear. I can't even remember what we swam this morning but I did do a lot more backstroke than usual; I just wanted to look up at the small, puffy clouds being overwhelmed by saturated blue skies. Someone must have turned on the universal "Velvia" setting for the central Texas area. Relentless and indiscriminate beauty. 

Now I've swum and received the life giving dose of coffee and I'm heading out the door to have lunch with Andy, the owner of the ATMTX blog. We're meeting about halfway between our offices at a little neighborhood Tex-Mex restaurant and I'm looking forward to this lunch because Andy has joined the dark side of photographers and is currently embracing, and fleshing out, a Fuji X system. But it should all be taken with a grain of salt since he owns well over 50 cameras and bounces around between his inventory of systems as often as I seem to. 

So, what camera and lens is the perfect companion for a nice lunch? I'll say that with the skies as they are today it's got to be the X-E3 with the 23mm f2.0. Small, light and happy. 

Then it's back to the editing grind. But I may push that deadline back and take a sybaritic walk through the city. It's only a matter of time before real Texas weather returns with a vengeance. 

The Rollingwood Pool. Home base for my swimming. 

Lifeguard avoiding 68 degree hypothermia with his jacket. 
Relentless pool cleaning. 

some prefer Barton Springs but that seems a bit "recreational." 

The hardcore. Packed in. 

Capping off with fond memories of swimming in the Skidmore College Pool 
 on various "Parent's Day" visits. A very nice pool. Maybe I should move
there and start a masters program in Saratoga Springs...... it's a thought.


  1. It was a great lunch. Thank you.

  2. I want to know how to swim 30% off. That might get me up to slow:-).
    And yes please, start a masters team in Saratoga Springs.

  3. Great lunch! And you should never have left me alone at the camera store. That was you'll find out in my Monday blog. Very dangerous. Well, not for you but.... I'll just reference the opener for that James Popsys video I linked. Only bigger.

  4. Uh oh. I didn't know there was a big Fuji lens left to buy... Or do I misread the cryptic hint?

  5. Hi Murray, There are plenty of big Fuji things left to purchase. But it was one of the those impulsive episodes of "branching out."

  6. Ricoh GR? Leica Q? Those angles seem too wide for you :). A Sigma?

  7. Getting warmer. Think of the camera cult that goes ballistic every time someone reviews one of their cameras. Think BIG format.


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