The Good Stuff.


A special thanks to that reader (you know who you are) who sent along a case of wine as a "thank you" for my ten years of blogging. Nicely played. Drop by and share a bottle.

A perk for life spent writing about photography. 

When we talk about wine at swim practice someone always calls it, "French Hydration." I gently remind them that the Californians are very much in the game. To my knowledge no one, yet, in our swim program has come to workout with anything other than water, coffee or some strange (non-alcoholic) sports drink in their water bottle. I'm not about to give wine a try at swim practice. There's a time and place for everything. 

For looking at Avedon photo books it's always Champagne. For everyone else's work there's Merlot. 

Thanks again! KT


  1. Sometimes your posts just need a "Like" button. Nothing to say, but a great post.

  2. "I gently remind them that the Californians are very much in the game."

    Yes, and the Oregonians very much too.


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