The Good Stuff.


I had a strange shopping adventure this week. An attempt to buy another K-1, squashed.

The first one. The lure.

I love to buy cameras that seem to be out of favor with the mainstream opinions of the photographic "thought leaders." I seem to champion more than a few underdogs in my acquisition of, and writing about, cameras and goofy lenses. But I like to think there's always some half way decent reason, or at least an available rationale for my selections. A great example of this is my recent embrace of the Pentax K1 camera. If you dig down into the V-log reviews and website reviews that came out just after the launch of the camera you'll quickly understand that the K1 is probably not going to be your first choice for a sports camera and that, at the time of launch, the auto focusing could be a bit underwhelming, but lost in no little measure of reviewer gloom and doom (does everyone shoot motorsports AND birds in flight exclusively now? Is no one interested in "ART" anymore?) was the consensus that the sensor and image processing combination was really, really good and, in fact, could be construed as "class leading." Which of course fires up folks who embrace the challenge of squeezing great images out of a camera with potential instead of expecting their camera of choice to do all the heavy lifting. A workout versus a spoon-feeding....

I'm not going to mount a passionate defense of a four and half year old camera; it would be a fool's errand. But when I look at raw files  from this camera (no matter how hard won) I am pretty impressed. In just plain imaging prowess, as divorced from things like frame rate, the number of focusing points, the range of lenses available, etc., I think the K1 is every bit the equal of the Nikon D810 and D800e's I've owned and....I'd give the nod for accurate and pleasing color to the Pentax.

If you shoot as I do; mostly street scenes, lit portraits, casual portraits and, of course the ubiquitous and dreaded downtown Austin buildings, most of the things that seem to get YouTuber's panties in a bunch are things that I'm for the most part not concerned with while shooting. I'm there for the final look and, to a certain extent, repeatability.

At any rate, I convinced myself on Tuesday that I was enjoying shooting squares format, 24 megapixel portraits with the K1 and might continue to do so for some extended length of time. I thought I might also want to sell that style of photography to a few ad agencies and other clients I know because I am being charmed by the results. But if I go off on another multi-city shooting assignment, or choose to select the K1 as a "personal project" camera for some  out of town work, I am mentally conditioned to want to bring along a second, identical camera body as a back-up to the primary camera.

I looked at and B&H and Adorama and while everyone of them would love to sell you a brand new K-1ii none of the usual places had any used K-1s in stock, which I took as a promising sign of this camera's enduring popularity with Pentax users. My fingers strolled across the keyboard until I ended up at Amazon. I found seven or eight used K-1 cameras in their "marketplace" and selected a "like new" one from a highly rated seller, clicked the right buttons and got an e-mail confirmation that my transaction was completed, credit card accepted, and that I could expect the camera in two days "guaranteed". (It was a Prime purchase and it was to be "fulfilled by Amazon).

I can tell you that I've ordered a ton of stuff from Amazon and while there have been occasional screw ups by the "last mile" delivery people the mothership has always been pretty good about getting me what I want when I want it.

I ordered the camera on Tuesday and was happy enough to expect it on Thursday. I checked on the order yesterday and their tracking info indicated that it was in the shipping process but had not yet shipped. A bit strange but I figured them to be an advanced logistics company so I let it go and decided I would check the tracking info before swim practice this morning.

When I went to click on my order on their website I was stunned to find that the order had completely disappeared. As though the camera had never been ordered. No trace. It was so weird that I called their customer service. The person who helped me asked me to check around and see if I could find an e-mail Amazon had sent me at 3:30 a.m that morning which would explain everything.

In short, they said in their e-mail that they were unable to put their hands on the product they'd previously confirmed with me, and that since they no longer had the product, they cancelled the order and refunded my $$$. I was flabbergasted. I presumed they knew what they did or did not have in inventory; especially since they were acting as a clearing house for a third party seller (whom I hold harmless).

I was a bit shocked but took it as a sign that I wasn't meant to have too many Pentax cameras. But that measure of restraint wore off by mid-afternoon and I found another K1, used, that's supposed to be on its way some time mid-week, next week. Shipped directly by the independent seller.

I'd just go and buy one locally but our big bricks and mortar camera store stopped selling Pentax products about a year ago, citing low sales versus the usual brands. What's a contrarian supposed to do?


  1. Re Amazon's Prime new delivery service, I am less than enthralled. Tracking information goes from in-transit to delivered with no information in-between. Sometimes, the delivery goes astray for a couple days. Sometimes there is no delivery, because the last mile is handled by a sub-contractor, who gives as an excuse that they needed an "access code." My house is on a rural road, the address is marked, and there's a nice wide covered porch to leave any package under. Sometimes they deliver by sticking the package on top of my roadside mailbox. And, I do not like that the delivery is by unmarked vans and cars. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned? I want my next day delivery by USPS, UPS, or FedEx.

  2. read this one yesterday about amazons delivery practices, it's pretty much enough for me not to want to use amazon, I still will most likely, I think I'll prioritise 3rd party sellers (mostly for used books), and look for other stuff at other retailers first, the exploitative practices are getting too much for me to ignore, it's a shame because I'm generally enthusiastic about amazon.

  3. Hey Kirk,

    The Asahi (Honeywell) Pentax Way................. Herbert Keppler is smiling down at you...........

  4. I know what you mean about ignoring the reviews because they all seem to be by action photographers. I read horrible reviews of the EOS M when it came out but ended up buying one when the first model was being sold off for a song and don't bother with the dance. I figured at the price, how bad could it be? It had/has its limitations but for a very small carry around camera (my usual is a 7D) it's pretty neat. I later ended up buying an M3 and that has become my main camera. They have APSc sensors and make great images IMO. Plus they (and their lenses) are small and light. I wish the M3 had a fully articulated screen because I like shooting low in portrait mode at times and my old knees don't like getting up off the ground but I really think the M series is underrated by reviewers, especially the M3 and newer models.

  5. If you want a big long lens to go with your Pentax, I can recommend the Sigma 300mm f/4 APO.

  6. If it is about the image - take a good look at the Sigma DP Merrill cameras. Fixed lens, three options only. Have to use their software to process the RAW images. Slow and battery life is like shooting 36 exposure rolls of film.

    But... the Quality of the images. The "Look" is what it is all about.

    Check what Lloyd Chambers says about them on He's a nut on testing but the articles on the camera/sensor are interesting. If it really is all about the image these are worth checking out. Not much in the way of action sports or birds in flight...

  7. Seems like Sigma was reminded that Pentax exists after this post and decided to kill off any future lenses.
    Maybe time to try a Panasonic S1, S1r or S1h. I am not into video at all but I am excited by the Panasonic S1H, due to its cooled sensor.


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