The Good Stuff.


New Gear Added. Part One. A Gift from my Sister. Practical but showy.

My sister is a smart traveler. She looked at the expected temperatures during the time I'll be in Montreal (starting next Saturday!) and told me that my usual sandals or flip-flops (official, year round footwear for Austin) might not be comfortable. She And, as an incentive, sent along these three pairs of socks. They are just my style but may clash with my basic black camera straps. Perhaps I need to re-think my camera straps...

I'm guessing that if it's too cold for flip flops I might also want to pack something other than short pants.... Just trying to get ahead of all this.

Just trying to do some judicious pre-planning.


  1. Check the weather for Montreal on October 5th and I think you'll find you may need to wear 2 pairs of those socks.

  2. Nice. Wear these socks mismatched and claim that they were sold this way and that's the latest fashion trend in Paris. You know, in the city Montreal looks up to.

  3. Pack the sandals and a couple of pairs of short pants just in case. This is the transition season up north. the weather can still be balmy or can go chilly from day to day. The forecast is mid 50s but that's the long range forecast. Anything over three days ahead is a crap-shoot.

  4. Welcome to Canada! The temperature/weather at this time of year is quite moderate, so you won't need any special clothing to be out all day, and you can leave your shorts and flip flops at home. Just bring a comfortable set of walking shoes and a lightweight jacket. Also, there is no danger of getting stuck to the asphalt in car parks, as I understand can happen to slow moving folks in Texas!
    Peter Wright.

  5. Better bring something warm, just go and check the weather report. Have a nice trip


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