The Good Stuff.


A stage shot of "Mina" with a dagger. Pentax K-1 and the 100 2.8 Macro.

"Mina" for the Zach Theatre Production of "Dracula." 
Written and directed by Stephen Dietz.

I love technical rehearsals. They happen just a day or two before the dress rehearsal so pretty much everything is set. What I love about tech is that there's no audience in the house and I can move to any position I want in the entire theater (as long as I stay off the stage).

On this particular evening I was experimenting with a camera and lens that were both relatively new to me at the time; the Pentax K-1 and the Pentax 100mm f2.8. In a matter of weeks since then the K-1 has become my favorite day-to-day shooting camera. I enjoy using it very much every time I toss it in the car and bring it along. 

This shot was was done at 1/160th of second, f3.5, using ISO 3200. I used the spot meter setting (since I couldn't pre-chimp) and set the white balance manually. 

I'm happy with everything about this shot except that I've centered it too much. An easy fix with cropping tools in post...


  1. Kirk,
    Do you find yourself shooting with the xpro2 OVF or EVF in light of the K1 being an OVF only? Just curious about your criteria when you have a choice.

  2. YE GAWDs! That is SHARP!

    My only concern is the what appears to be blown highlights on her leg and around her shoulders ... all fixable ... but that may be just my monitor.


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