The Good Stuff.


I was comparing some different images from different cameras this afternoon and came across one I really liked from a camera I've long since abandoned. I hate it when that happens.


Camera: Sony A7rii.
Lens: Rokinon 85mm f1.4

Sometimes stuff just works...


  1. Of all the components that make this an appealing image, the camera body is probably the least important.

  2. Yea, I know the feeling. I decided to never sell a camera or lens again. Given that resell values are so low and my current gear is so good, there would be no point. Problem solved.

  3. I'm with Mark the tog on this one - camera plays no role at all except to capture the image...

  4. I agree with Anonymous (12/18, 11:18pm) I still have my first digi cam from 1999, a Fuji p&s to my most current Fuji the hX-1. Along the way Nikon, Canon, Olympus. Nikon film cameras from as early as 1970 (Nikon F) with many non Ai and Ai lenses still being used on my mirrorless cameras. As some say bodies come and go but lenses are forever.

  5. I like the black & white version better.

  6. A wonderful portrait. Simple but captures the eye and somehow manages to convey a sense of who this person is. The only way the camera plays here is perhaps in helping to insure you hit focus whether shooting AF or MF.


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