The Good Stuff.


I've been mulling over a concept that reviewers of the Leica Q2 keep mentioning. And how it applies to my cameras.

I photographed this at the Blanton Museum. When I wrote about the photo a while back I mentioned that at 100% magnification you can clearly see the weave of the sweater the person in the frame is 
wearing. Down to the threads. Part of the coolness of a 47 megapixel camera and 
a really, really good 50mm lens.

I'm not really price sensitive when it comes to cameras; but I'm thinking you've guessed that by now. If Leica made their Q2 with lenses other than the 28mm I might consider buying one and trying to convince myself that I'd finally be able to do great art with it. What focal length lens would I like? Nothing exotic. How about a 40mm or a 50mm? And I'd be happy enough if it was an f2.0 and satisfyingly sharp when used wide open. But alas. They haven't offered an alternate configuration. I'd be happy to co-brand one with them as the Visual Science Lab Normal Limited Edition...

But the concept I keep hearing from everyone (Leica and reviewers) is that the sensor in the Q2 is so good, and the 28mm lens on the front is so exquisite, that one could consider the camera as an all purpose, multi-focal length, imaging tool because the combination of the high resolving sensor and the equally detailed performance of the lens means you can do a bunch of serious cropping in order to get just the angle of view you want with no fuss. So, if you want a normal focal length look you could crop down to an APS-C style crop and you would get yourself a Leica 42mm lens for free. Or at least for no extra charge. Sure, you'll only have about 23.5 megapixels left to work with but I think most of us would agree that it's enough for just about anything you may desire. And those would be Red Dot/Leica pixels into the bargain. 

While I like the idea of a flexibility in lens selection (and being able to take only one lens along with me) I don't particularly care for the idea that I'll be composing in a very wide frame and having to use my limited powers of visual conservation to derive, at the time of shooting, exactly how I might be cropping. If I have an EVF at my disposal I'd like to see the crop while I compose the shot. 

I know that some of you can look at a hugely wide image in a finder and decide, unerringly, just exactly how you'll crop it in the future, and that you can do so without recomputing even an inch of variance after the fact. But I can't. I want to see the frame lines, the boundaries, the edges of the imagined frame. That's probably why the Leica Q2 is not on my short list of drool-worthy cameras....

But the idea of being able to fine tune focal lengths centered around one lens started me thinking and the concept keeps circling back around in my brain and taunting me. 

On Sunday night I went to a working performance of graduating senior drama and performance students at Zach Theatre's Nowlin rehearsal space. The space is huge and great for dance and movement. It can also hold a fairly big crowd of parents and friends. But where the space falls down is in the lighting. Since it's a rehearsal space and not a performing space the lighting is just barely utilitarian for the purpose. Buzzy, flickery florescent lights set high, high, high up on the ceiling about 30 feet up. No side lighting at all, and a black curtain spread across the back wall. I was volunteering for this one; just for the fun of seeing all the new talent, and the joy of playing with two new lenses. Lenses that I will quickly admit were not well thought out for this particular situation....

I'd packed two S1R bodies, the Sigma 35mm f1.4 and 85mm f1.4 Art lenses, and not much else. I didn't know we'd have an audience of any size but when I arrived the space was set up with at least 100 folding chairs. There wasn't a fixed stage and I couldn't get closer to the talent than the first row of audience seating. Hmmm. 

I'd be fine with ensemble shots, set up, multiple actor scenes, and anything with two or more people involved but there was a whole program full of individuals who would be doing dramatic readings, singing solos, dancing and standing in a wide sea of black drape. If I had been shooting this as a stage show I certainly would have brought along the 70-200mm lens for tight, individual shots. At 200mm I'd have a shot at making mid-torso to top of head shots too. But I came less prepared than usual and immediately felt photographically under-equipped.

Until the Leica/One camera/One lens concept floated back into my consciousness. 

I had 47.5 megapixel cameras in my hands as well as fast, state-of-the-art lenses. I didn't need to worry about getting sharp images from either lens and, if I used them at f1.4, or even at f2.0, I could keep the ISOs low enough to make certain I was getting optimum image quality in the files. 

Then I found the Ext. Teleconverter Mode in the camera menu. I could easily toggle between a full view and a 1.4X crop. This would give me (with the 35mm lens) both a normal 35mm and a bit tighter 50mm look without much loss of quality. And, to make me more comfortable the frame would be accurately depicted across the entire EVF. With the 85mm lens I would also be able to get (and properly view) a second focal length of about 120mm which would get me into the compositional zone I wanted. 

To use the crop/teleconverter mode I would have to set my camera to the "medium" file size setting and "make do" with a "paltry" 23.5 megapixels. Woe is me.... (sarcasm implied).

So, with two lenses I got four different focal lengths: 35, 50, 85 and 120. The files were all much more than adequate and they tightened up well in post production. 

All of this craziness got me thinking about another assignment that's coming up on Thursday. I'll be shooting lifestyle portraits on location at a high tech company that offices in a beautiful building downtown. This might also be a "two lens X2" shoot. I'm planning on taking the Panasonic 50mm f1.4 S Pro and the Sigma 85mm Art lens and using the flexibility of the teleconverter mode on the camera to give me more options. There is even a "zoom" option that will allow me to use every length between the normal angle of view and the maximum (1.4X) crop. Now, rather than looking for new, precise focal lengths, like a 100mm portrait lens (a nice length) I can take advantage of the very high performing and very fast lenses I already own. 

In the instance of the lifestyle shoot on Thursday you might wonder why it's so important to see the "crop". Well, I'll have an art director and client in tow on that shoot and would only like to show them the actual crop rather than showing them a full frame version made at the widest angle and then asking them to use their imaginations. Funny how that doesn't work in most advertising situations.....

The one caveat to working this way is that the teleconverter option is only available for Jpegs. If I decide that I have to shoot in raw then were back to traditional camera and lens use and I'll incorporate the 70-200mm if I need something longer than the 50mm and 85mm. I'll bring them all with me and see what works best. 

Now, off to call Leica and see if they want to sponsor my VSL limited edition Q2 with a 50mm Summicron on the front. I'll need to approve the special denim fabric "leather" and add my arcane signature somewhere before we finalize everything. But I need to let them know that I can be a bit showy and might want to have more than one Red Dot on the camera body. And I might want the dots a bit bigger.....

This is what Studio Dog thought of the idea when I mentioned it to her:


  1. Ah yes. Studio Dog knows you well.
    This 2x business is an interesting concept. I will be interested to see how things work out on your Thursday job.

  2. I'm usually a Fuji shooter but curiosity got the better of me when I purchased a second hand Leica Q. My first Leica and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. After using the camera exclusively for a month, all I can say is I'm sold. The feel, useablilty and pics are awesome. The ONLY thing I don't care for is .... the 28mm lens. Too wide. I could do with a 35mm or 50mm. (Although after a month of using just a 28mm lens, I got along better with it than I thought I would.)

    So now I'm thinking of trading it for a Q2. The Q2 cropped in to 35mm would still give me more resolution than my X100F! Now if I only had an extra $3,000.

    And for the record, when you crop in, you get cropped frame lines in the viewfinder. Just like you were shooting with a rangefinder. The Q has 35mm and 50mm lines. The Q2 has 35mm, 50mm and 75mm lines.

  3. Your thoughts on the Leica Q2 are interesting. Its a different beast, but you might just like the Panasonic LX100 mk2. Similar focal range, similar interface and $4000 cheaper. Might be worth trying. Only major downside to it is the EVF.

  4. Studio dog has heard it all before ... ;-)

  5. Kirk, just an observation on the Leica Q2. I was thinking about it for a long time, since 28 is my favourite FL and because the flexibility, the supposed quality and the beauty of the design and the thought of finally owning a "real" Leica was seemed very intriguing. But then I got my hands on a few raws from different cameras and checking them out quickly saved me lot's of bucks and heartaches. The lens is not adequate for my needs. Since I am first and foremost a landscape shooter, I care about edge to edge sharpness, so if a lens that has the Leica approval, regardless of where it's made, is not able to deliver a file that is usable near the edges, then it is not for me. It can look as beautiful as nothing else in the middle, but if even stopping down to f8 does not get me acceptable edge resolution, then it's not even "hello, beautiful"
    I'll stay with Fuji's offerings for APS-c and MF
    Cheers, Stephan

  6. I agree totally about wanting 50mm equivalents in a portable body with one fixed lens. Has been on my wish list for years. Always wondering why not. I did try the Ricoh GR 3 because it had a 50mm crop on its 28mm Lens. The trouble was I can’t stand holding it out in front like a phone. I need my glasses on to use it. I can’t crop in my head either, it’s why I shoot mirror free in the first place.

  7. Leica will never offer a Qxx in any other focal length than 28mm because they want to protect sales of their interchangeable lens cameras.

    Fuji did the same thing, but in reverse, when they introduced their interchangeable lens X range. Since the X100, with 23mm, (35mm equivalent), lens was becoming well established, it took an age for a 23mm (35mm equivalent)to appear. By which time I had given up on them and moved elsewhere.

  8. Hi, Kirk, I have a Q2. It's easy to visualize other focal lengths -- the camera lets you add frame lines that float over the image, like an old rangefinder, as noted in a comment above. When shooting JPEG, you get the cropped photo. Shooting raw, you get the full image file, but it's pre-cropped in Lightroom.

    The Q2 is my first ever Leica, and it was a gift. (Yes, a very generous gift.) Image quality is outstanding, and the lens is excellent for my purposes (photo-J, mostly.) The user interface and menu are exceptional -- very simple, very few buttons, the camera gets out of the way and lets me shoot. I wish Fuji could figure out how to do it this well. It's small but not too small, and feels good to shoot.

    The major flaw is a too-small buffer for raw files. It stops shooting after 9 raw frames shot quickly, which is maddening for shooting the kinds of assignments I have. I feel like I'm back in 2002: click-click-wait-click-wait. The other issue I have is that I don't love the Lightroom profiles, but I am spoiled by Fuji in that department.

    I'll stop with the Leica fanboy thing now (something I never thought I would need to say about myself.) :)

  9. Kirk-

    can I assume the VSL limited edition will have a barbed wire shoulder strap?


  10. Primarily a Nikon shooter and my main lenses have been the f2.8 "Trinity" zooms. Now that I have reached "a certain age" I find large, heavy lenses less enjoyable. My solution is the D850 and either one of the f1.8 primes or the 24-120 f4 VR zoom. The D850 resolution allows me to get the composition I want via crop and still enjoy the shoot.

  11. I had the Q but could not overcome the live view brightness settings, so back to the X100F. You should try a used X100F Kirk, really nice small camera, very versatile.

    Bruce Bodine

  12. Hi Kirk:
    Sounds like you're advocating for the return of "digital zoom!" And with today's big sensors and electronic finders, the idea would seem to have merit. Imagine if you really could just stick one lens on the front of your camera and then create the crop you wanted "in camera" and have that appear in the viewfinder? Once could probably happily do 90% of one's shooting with that single lens.

    Back to the Future!

  13. Sony has had Clear Image Zoom for a couple of years. Little or no image degradation up to 2x the focal length of the lens being used.

  14. So you converted your lenses to Bi-Elmars? ;)

  15. Mark the tog, I think that's kind of hilarious. I used to own a Tripod-Elmar and hated it. This is a much better solution. Sort of....

  16. Peter Karbe, the head of Leica's optics department, told a group last week that they likely won't make a tele-converter for the SL lens lines because (a) it would introduce chromatic aberrations and (2) you'll get a better image with the APS-C crop, especially on the hi-res SL2.

  17. I am terrible at mental cropping. I just point the camera at the interesting thing and squeeze the button. If it's static, strongly geometrical, and it fills the frame, I might could make it work from time to time.

    Anything dynamic or non-frame filling, I just make sure the bits I want are well inside the frame and mash. Half the time it's not even level, and the other half the material I was interested in is way too small in the frame.

    I've started using my AIS 300mm f/4 lens to solve the latter problem. Now I just feel like a creeper.

  18. A camera that does this really well is the Ricoh GRIII which, in addition to 28mm, can shoot at 35mm (15mp) and 50mm (7mp). The screen image shows only the capture area so no guesswork is involved. I have this set to a function button and use it all the time.


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