The Good Stuff.


Love. Actually. Is so much cooler than cameras. I can't believe I just wrote that....


  1. So very true. I have my Alisa in place of your Belinda and consider myself the luckiest guy in the world!

  2. Kirk-

    Ultimately, the ability to give love and get love makes all else what I accomplish better.

    At this end of the year, end of the decade, 2019 holiday time, I do want to thank you for being a go-to spot on this vast world wide web where I can read about someone who loves their family, making images, studio dog, swim practice and even the expanding metropolis of Austin.

    By any measure, L-O-V-E is the most powerful four letter word.

    Be well.

    Rob/Smalltalk Productions/NYC

  3. Oh, I can, Kirk.

    That's really what you write about.

    Because after all, it's what we're all about.

    Peace to you and yours in the New Year.

  4. Hi Kirk,

    all the best to you, and to yours - and thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

  5. I just put my scalloped potatoes in the oven. Something calming about peeling potatoes and trying to get each slice between 1/16th and 1/8th inch. Shredding Gruyere cheese is always an adventure as well. I really love to cook when I have time and we'll have a big group of friends and family to share the cheer.

    I hope everyone takes a break from all the stuff that rattles us during the year and just enjoys each other's company and kindness.

    I'd love to take a photograph of that!

  6. Merry Christmas to you too. Cherish and enjoy your loved ones.
    I feel like I may be an enabler, shifting you to the LX100 mk2. But we always need something to dream about.
    Have fun an take some photos.

  7. We now leave the peel on when we make mashed potatoes.

    All the best in 2020.

  8. Love is all you need. Isn't that what the song says? Actually I believe that to be true, the love part. Merry Christmas to you Kirk, your lovely family and of course Studio Dog.

    Eric and Erna

  9. Thanks Kirk for another year of your always interesting and insightful posts on Austin life, your photographic assignments, personal challenges and other general observations. Wishing you and your family a lovely Christmas break and New Year celebrations from Australia. I'm currently down on Phillip Island in Victoria, and grateful for the company of family and friends and the coolish southern coastal climate away from Canberra's smoke and heat. As an earlier reader commented, we really need some good rain, but sadly I suspect we are unlikely to get it! Best Wishes, Keith

  10. What's wrong with peace, love, and understanding?

    May 2020 be filled with all three.


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