The Good Stuff.


One of the things I was thankful for this year was my dog. I call her "Studio Dog" to preserve her anonymity but she really has a different name. She's pretty amazing.

I think the nice thing about dogs is their chipper attitude and their ability to be affectionate and positive no matter how grumpy or overwhelmed I might be feeling. She turned 11 years old this year and I hope she goes on barking and chasing squirrels for years to come.

I asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year and she licked my hand. She's already given me my Christmas present; she was there for me every day this past year, bringing a big smile to my face and adding a very happy presence that made our home a cheerier place.

All I want for Christmas is what I've already got. A Happy Family. 


  1. Bless you Kirk
    Merry Christmas!

  2. I understand. My Black Lab (I should say grey lab now, or white lab) is going on 17, and was doing fine till about 3 weeks ago when he had 2 seizures a week apart. The vet think it's a brain tumor, but can't say for sure without cutting in to him, and I won't let that happen. His blood work was all good, and the x-rays didn't show to much although he's developed large tumors. He was fine till then, the vet said he was good to go another 3 or 4 years. Along with the seizures came a lose of vision, hearing, and some walking issues, but we still has fun. The vet said "he's the happy dog I've ever met", and the vet been seeing him for about 10 years. He is happy. Although the vet did say, "at some point you may have to make that decision." but not now.
    I agree, I have everything, more than I ever thought I'd have. Everyone's happy and healthy, and the wife agrees that we need to do what we can for Mr.D (our Dog) and it's ok for me to sleep on the low couch with the Mr. D close by (he gets me up in the night to go out, and that's ok). I do miss our mile walks in the morning though. So enjoy Studio Dog as long as possible, and hope you never have to make, "that decision".
    Happy Holidays

  3. You're a wise man Kirk Tuck.
    Merry Christmas!

  4. Kirk, I wish you and your whole family a Very Merry Christmas!

  5. Perfect dog got a new dog bed for Christmas. Since she is largely unaware of what is a holiday and what is a regular day she got her Christmas present early.

  6. Agree with that totally... Our Mollie (an 18 year old epileptic Border Collie who adopted us when she was 5) is always around, making us feel like we're the most important people in the world (and we are, to her).

    She's slowed down a lot (although she still chases her ball on our morning walks), her eyes are cloudy and getting up is harder than it used to be, but she's still the same independent minded (will she look at a camera? Not if she can help it!) feisty furball...


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