The Good Stuff.


Red Rental Scooter Relinquished Right in the middle of the Right of Way. It's a nasty, nasty business...


  1. Nasty patrons, I would say. Don't know why scooters bring to light the most antisocial character traits - the same person certainly would not leave their car that way in the middle of the road

  2. The photo reminds me of that famous one of the kid's tricycle. I can't remember what colour the trike was though.

    If the scooter were grey, it would fit in better with the background.

    As for the inconsiderateness of just leaving it there, that's not so surprising. I have had to remove more than one shopping cart from parking spots at the grocery store so that I could park. Until not too many years ago, people would leave their dog's turds on my front lawn. More than once I have walked out of coffee shops because there was nowhere to sit because the folks with laptops were doing their jobs in there; it's difficult to hate them though, I bet they work in "open concept" offices and may not even have their own desk, and anyway the baristas are checking their phones.

    I wonder if that business model of just leaving scooters or bicycles wherever has worked anywhere.

  3. The tricycle photograph that Robert mentions, may be the photograph by William Eggleston.

  4. I've seen photos of the Bikes collected in Chinese cities tossed in mounds that look like they cover many acres.

    It's crazy

  5. Sorry, Kirk, I just road that one in from Florida and the battery died right there. Couldn't complain after 1200 miles of trouble free scooting....

  6. 1. I walk an unlit footpath most nights with two dogs. Scooters are sometimes parked end-on in the middle. At the last second as I see them, I always make sure the dogs on leads split and pass either side. Oops! I hasten to add that no one else walks the footpaths here. You only see their dogs on Saturday mornings at the cafe.
    2. Last week I got back from the walk to find one parked in the middle of the footpath across the center of my driveway entrance. That one took a flight path to crash against the concrete power pole yelling "vandal acts will be pursued" at the world!


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