The Good Stuff.


Testing out a new Lumix 24-70mm f2.8 S Pro lens. Yow.

A view of  the swimming pool at the Carpenter Hotel in Austin, Texas

Lumix S1 + 24-70mm f2.8 handheld at 1/4th second.

I was busy this weekend. Busy mostly relaxing and hanging out with new friends. It's a little strange for me to get a new lens on a Saturday and not open the box till late Sunday afternoon. But, you know, priorities, priorities. I decided to get the Lumix S Pro version of the 24-70mm f2.8 lens instead of the Sigma version, mostly because the Lumix is supposed to be much faster and better at autofocusing than the Lumix, a bit higher performance than the Sigma, and....most importantly....I could have the Lumix lens right away. No waiting list. After using the manual clutch feature and checking out some images I'm pretty happy with my choice. We'll see how it works out for video in the next week or so.

Allergies have been breathtaking (literally and figuratively) this month and I have been walking around with my head in a fog but it didn't deter me from spending a couple of hours walking through Austin, Texas's downtown and trying out the new lens on a high res, S1R body. I'm lazy today so I shot mostly in the Jpeg mode and didn't stray too far from my favorite paths. 

Nothing tumultuous or revelatory to report so far. A very nice lens that seems sharp and mostly artifact and flare free. My only glitch today was a dust bunny on the sensor that I only became aware of in the post processing of the photographs. Here's some samples, be sure to click on the images to make them bigger.....

Yes. It's February and it hit 80 degrees Fahrenheit today... 

focused on the wires in the foreground. Honest.

shot through a glass window...


  1. Looks good. How is the return of the other body coming along?

    Reading about your new lens I have been torn between the Olympus 300mm and the 10-25 Panasonic. Odd that they couldn't be more different, but I want to start using some extreme compression for some images and the Panasonic would be for some video work...

    Spoiled for choices these days! At the airport and off to London. Keep well Kirk!

  2. Is it me or do the results from the Panasonic have a very film-like look to them? I've come to this conclusion after a number of your inside and outside shots.

  3. ODL, I've set the wheels in motion and now I'm trying to disengage from the whole repair process. Hopefully my local store and the my new best friend, Jack, the Panasonic Rep for our area will take over supervising the quick return of my perfectly repaired camera.

    Trying to be patient.

    It's hard for me what with my enormous sense of entitlement. 😆

  4. Ken, Yes. I think so too. I'm not doing much post to any of these so this is Jpeg mostly straight out of camera...

  5. Looked at the pics large-sized first, no captions. 'Through a shop window' - I was going to say, Kirk, they don't look like your kind of shoes. Not the thing for long slogs through warm Austin ;-)

  6. So, just tossing budget to the wind these days?


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