The Good Stuff.


Happy Valentine's Day to Everyone. Hope you give as good as you get. Hope you are all in love with someone.

True Romance. Brock's Books. San Antonio, Texas.

I photographed this at least 30 years ago with a rickety old Nikon camera and a very well used 28mm f3.5 lens. Oh, and some Ektachrome 100. I've posted it every year on Valentine's Day, just for fun. 

My wife has a print of it hanging in her home office. 

What is there in life worth living for than some sort of true romance?


  1. Cameras are cool. Lenses are cooler. Lighting, natural or otherwise, is cooler still. Compared to my wife? Sorry, not even worth discussing. We’ve been together 32 years this June. I’m nothing without her. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Stay close to your special person, always.

  2. Celebrated our 50th Valentines Day yesterday. Well, minus one while I served a year in Vietnam....... one camera then, Mamiya-Sekor with the 50mm/ f1.8....... still have both..... and many memories.....

    Oh, and like the Converse (sneaker's).... life was so much simpler then......

  3. I first saw that photo well over a decade ago. I had no idea you’d taken it until years later when it was included in one of your posts. Of all the photos I’ve seen of yours, it’s hands-down my absolute favourite. Wish I’d taken it :)


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