The Good Stuff.


Industrial Strength Imaging. Hardware.

I was playing around with the Sigma fp today and decided to give the monochrome setting a try. In a sub-menu there are settings for sharpness and contrast that can be set just for that profile. Additionally, there is a "tone" button on the rear of the camera that gives you the opportunity to create custom curves that work on all the profiles. I tried combinations of both setting banks and ended up with some interesting stuff. 

These images were shot with the Sigma fp + 45mm f2.8 lens. I tried a different approach today and instead of working close to wide open I worked closer to stopped down. Most of the shots done today were executed at f8 and f11. It required a bit more camera supervision to make sure I stayed within the realm of hand-hold-ability but that's okay; I wasn't moving too fast. 

I'm happy with the way the stuff turned out...


  1. Interesting, 'cause I'm in a monochrome phase right now. I had my Nikon D700 on eBay along with a couple of lenses. Then I thought I'd go for a monochrome conversion instead of selling it, so I pulled it off after the auction expired. But, when I learned the cost of conversion, I swung over to Nikon's Picture Control, downloading a set of film-like pre-sets. Now using one called Kodak Portra mono, and having fun.

  2. I love 1 and 2. The composition and tonality is spot on. Well at least the way I like it anyway. I'm having fun with my GH5 set to square and B&W. I have only been using my Panasonic 20mm f1.7 lens so far. To reduce the size of the rig I think I will try using my GX1 with the same lens and see how that turns out. So far I have been really impressed with the B&W out of the GH5. A little PS helps but all in all pretty decent.


  3. Kirk, the second one is a wonderful tribute to the past. Thank you for sharing.

  4. The Sigma fp seems to have awakened a new or dormant photographic vision.

  5. Does the monochrome settings work in video mode.
    I'v always been more of a B&W video buff than color.

  6. Those look really good. The tonality is excellent. I would be tempted to just leave it in monochrome all the time. You going to try some portraits as well?

  7. Very nice Kirk. The first one with the cables reminds me of W. Eugene Smith.


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