The Good Stuff.


A few misconceptions about the Panasonic S1 system. Just my point of view.

For decades most camera makers have attempted to build lines of cameras that would cover every price range and need parameter in order to garner the most market share and to give buyers a ready upgrade path as their skills and perceived equipment needs changed. At times the range from maker to maker was overly populated. At one point in their film days the number of Nikon SLR variants was out of control. From the EM all the way to the F5. From a super-cheap plastic camera with mostly automatic controls to a real, top-of-the line, professional camera. Lenses too were made in an astounding range of prices and capabilities. You could buy cheap consumer lenses or pricey, no-holds-barred lenses that mostly covered the same focal length ranges and you could spend a little or a lot. 

Camera makers each wanted to be the "big tent" and offer stuff that people in every price range could afford. That was the standard business practice at the time and, during the early days of digital, the practice was ratcheted up even more. By 2010 new digital cameras were being introduced in lots of 5 or more models per year; by manufacturer. So it's little wonder that buyers today just assume that a camera maker will give a smiling nod to each income bracket and keep producing a wide range of cameras so that a buyer who like the idea of a system (or their advertising) can find a model they can afford. Or a model they can "move up to." 

Recently I've read many articles, and comments on various forae, taking Panasonic to task for two things: (1). Not having enough inexpensive lenses for their S1 (full frame, mirrorless) system and, (2). Not having an entry level or mid-level body that would offer an upgrade path to consumers who are not yet ready to spend the big bucks it takes (relatively speaking) to enter the S1 system as it is right now. 

The underlying presumption is that Panasonic, in order to compete in the full frame, mirrorless arena, must inevitably show up with a full complement of models that can satisfy the budgets of both professional users as well as new parents, students, casual users and all the other sub-categories represented by the great cross section of photographers. 

But I'm of the opinion that Panasonic is taking a totally different approach to making and marketing their premium line of cameras than they would have in the past. Rather than make something for everyone --- within the S1 system --- they are focusing on providing tools for the higher end of the market: serious users. professionals. advanced artists. video specialist. and people with deep  pockets who want cameras built to a high level. 

My conjecture is that Panasonic will continue to market their mirrorless m4:3 cameras to a wider target and will use the smaller format cameras as stepping stone products, the final step up being from very proficient cameras like the G9 and GH5 to the S1 system. 

While there's no doubt that Panasonic could reduce the quality of materials and the feature set of their current S1 cameras and offer a $1500 model I have doubts that it would sell well because of the lack of consumer priced lenses. What Panasonic seems to be doing is trying to create a Japanese Luxe camera for the higher end markets, similar to that of Leica, around their S1 products. 

And I think it's a smart move. They offer a differentiation in build quality and their basic approach to photography compared to their competitors. Every S1 Pro lens I've bought is pricey but optically spectacular --- and built to handle professional bumps and bangs. While there was a less expensive 24-70mm f2.8 available in the Sigma Art series L-mounts I chose the Panasonic S-Pro lens for its feature set and the performance edge I expected (and received). 

My needs might be different from those of a more casual photographer and my budget, given that I make images and video for a living, gives priority to buying the tools I think will best satisfy my profit needs. 

While other makers chase a broader market I think Panasonic, with the S1 line, will continue to focus on a smaller niche and provide cameras and lenses that create a brand identity of being the mirrorless professional camera system rather than the system for every use and user. It's a strategy that Leica is using to good effect since buyers of high end gear tend to be much less price sensitive and more insulated from the ebbs and flows of global markets. The shifting global economy is a paradigm shift that has to affect camera makers. People in the middle and lower income stratas will, by necessity, be more cautious about buying in downturns and recessions. That will affect camera makers with the broadest diversification more so that makers who have limited and highly targeted product lines. 

Just as we probably won't see a budget, all electronic M camera from Leica at a price of less that $3,000 I think we won't see a raft of lesser spec'd products from Panasonic. If one is waiting for the S1-Z, with a 20 megapixel sensor and a polycarbonate body construction, for under a certain price point, or if they are waiting for the introduction of an APS-C model, I think they will be in for a long and fruitless period of frustrated anticipation. 

The one place where Panasonic could help their marketing would be with the introduction of lenses that are slower (apertures) but still made to the same high standards. Not every photographer needs fast lenses to do the work they like. Sigma has shown the way with the 45mm f2.8 lens and it's proven to be quite popular even though it's priced higher than competitive products. 

I would welcome the introduction of an 85mm f2.0 or a 135mm f2.8. If the optical quality is as high as that of the initial lenses the new ones would be a good value for photographers like me. 

For the time being I'll keep cherry picking lenses from Leica, Panasonic and Sigma's L-mount Art and Contemporary lens lines. While most are bigger than I'd like I'm happy with the quality of imaging and the robust construction I've encountered. 

Would I like a "lesser" camera body from Panasonic? Maybe. But if I really want a "beater" to use for day-to-day slamming around I'd probably just buy another used S1 and commit it to the "risk" camera set. Those are the ones I don't need to keep in perfect shape for client work... 

Right now that's where my Sigma fp is slotted. It's my "take anywhere" and "leave on the floor of the car" camera. It's been great to have hanging on my shoulder for days like yesterday when I walked through an empty downtown in a gentle but steady rain. 

Note: I'm not flexible enough to literally put my foot in my mouth although I am highly capable of doing so while writing. If I tweaked anyone severely with my blog about staying inside then I apologize. We're doing our best to stay close to home. All the city pools are closed now as well as my club pool. There's not much to do right now except polish the cameras and write silly stuff on the blog. 

I hope some of it make sense. 


  1. I saw a Panasonic interview a few weeks back where they said to expect more mid range full frame cameras from them in the near future :-)

  2. I'm happy they made it an open platform. It my fantasy world we would see Ricoh join the L-Mount and make a Pentax mirrorless, perhaps at a better price point than the Panasonics but with the usual Pentax weather sealing and IBIS.

  3. Ross, I haven't see that interview but I can't think that they'll come out with a budget camera; maybe more of a specialized S1 or an upgrade to the S1. I'd love to see a barebones S1 but I have to stop and think about what that might look like to me....

  4. "These shoes are made for walking, an' that's just what they do"

    . . . with apologies to whoever it was, all those years ago! ;o)

  5. I bought an S1R from eBay, new, in box. About $500. below retail. Came in perfect shape and is now registered. On your recommendation I added the Sigma 45mm. Lovely combo and not as heavy as I thought. It is about the best made camera I have owned. This includes Nikons, Canons, Rollei SL66s and twin lens, Mayima 7, Pentax 67s. It is solid and the files, so far are wonderful. I think of it as my G9 on steroids. Don't know how they'd make a lesser body without hurting the image. I'll report back after I play some more. I also snagged the 24-105 which does make it a behemoth, but is a really well built "kit" lens.

  6. On the subject of a lesser version of the S1, and just to be contrary, how about a fixed lens version in the style of the FZ1000?

  7. For MartinP: That was Nancy Sinatra’s 1966 hit song. Yes, Frank’s daughter.

  8. I see that you've taken the advice offered to new owners of the Kodak Brownie camera: When you take a picture of somebody, remember to always include their feet.

  9. Love the foot fotos -- I have a collection of the same! Here with you (Kirk) in Austin lockdown, an upside is that there are strangely empty urban landscapes to be had. Let's hope that opportunity is short-lived (but I'm not optimistic). Lucky me, I just added full frame to my m4/3 kit, and am having lots of fun learning the new gig. The Nikon Z7 rocks and the lenses are amazing. To Kirk's point, those lenses are not ambitiously fast, or silly expensive, just really really good.

  10. It seems to me that this is the lens strategy of Fujifilm, which offer only two or three "kit" type lenses and the others clustered at the upper and top end of the performance envelope. Of course the proliferation of bodies seems to follow a different course. Right hand, meet left hand?

  11. Kirk, in one sense at least you guys in Austin are lucky, even though the city is apparently closed down, you can still go out and shoot. In Pamplona, and all of Spain, we are under 14 day, 24/7 lockdown. We all face escalating fines and even jail time, for being in the street, unless buying food or medicine. No taking a walk to get some exercise, to get some sunshine, or to do something frivolous, like taking pictures. Yes, one person can take their dog for a walk, but if it is two people, they will be told to go home, and if they refuse, one will be fined or arrested. Of course Spain is a different country, with a different history and culture, so maybe tis is the best policy for Spain. But I do envy your ability to go out and shoot.


  12. OT. Just to congratulate you on your investment strategy. That fund you bought when the Dow hit 21,000 is down a hair less than 5%. Better than any investment I have ever made.

  13. Rube: I'm really sorry. Be well, stay healthy.

    Kirk: You're a genius and your timing is impeccable. This from this mornings m4/3 Rumors:

  14. Ray, thanks. All is quiet, for the moment,


  15. "in the future, of course we’re also aiming to attract entry-level users", said Panasonic last year, referring to L mount, and in the same interview clearly stating no plans for APS-C. Definitely not.

    So they will bring budget full frame L mount bodies. But not any time soon.

  16. If you want an entry level body for the S1, just wait 4 years. Used S1. $800. Done.


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