The Good Stuff.


Anne with a Rollei 6008i. After coffee at Jo's on S. Congress Ave.

Yeah. We always brought our cameras to coffee. We still do. At least I still do. Loved the Rollei. Hated the batteries... Loved the lenses.


  1. Hello,
    My very first ever assisting gig (1992?) was with this camera.
    To this day and many many camera systems later, I still lust for one...

  2. Cameras, photos and coffee. What more do you want?

  3. I have always loved the Rollei 6000 series of medium format cameras. However, I never owned or used one, except at the big annual photo shows or in bigger stores back then. I still look through used gear and consider this family. You have used this or other Rollei MF models and have opinions about things you didn't like. If the price was right and I knew that your dislikes were irrelevant to me I would considerate giving one a try.


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