The Good Stuff.


OT: Sometimes the old "gear" is the best... Celebrating a big milestone today.

You probably have one old camera that you'd never, ever get rid of. It probably represents consistent performance, trusted reliability and no doubt has given you the best results for years, and even decades, of time together. Sure, new models come and go but fancy stuff is often without much substance and obscures the real measure of value in cameras. I'll nearly always trade "new and improved" for "trusted and satisfying." 

By the way, we're celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary today. I can't say all 35 years were perfect. I can still remember the two arguments that we've had in all those years. Both, of course, were my fault... 

Any success I've had in my careers was made possible only with the wise guidance and unrelenting support of my best friend. And all the joy we've shared was only possible because... we've shared it. I hope you are as lucky.
my secret to success in life: Always marry someone who is smarter/wiser than you are.

With the pandemic it will certainly be a different celebration this year. No opportunity to go out and buy B. a diamond tiara. Likewise, I'm not expecting to see a Porsche with a bow on it in the drive way. We won't be going out to our favorite, fancy restaurant to celebrate either. Seems like it's one of those celebrations that will veer more toward drinking some Champagne on the couch and watching "Casablanca" for the XXth time. That's fine by me. That works just as well. 


  1. Congratulations to you both! I think this calls for a Leica SL2 to celebrate :)

  2. Congrats! We're celebrating 35 years next month. No nice dinner out, no friends over for a party, just a quiet dinner at home. We seem to be doing a lot of that lately. :) But that's ok, we have each other.

  3. If Casablanca seems a bit too familiar, may I suggest this film:
    Based on a true story, it's an edge-of-the-seat thriller about perseverance and cooperation.

  4. Congratulations to you both. 35 years is an accomplishment not to be dismissed and one that you both should be proud of. Many more in the future. Stay Well. Eric

  5. Between this post and the last you're making a great case for wise decisions, perseverance, hard work, and the ability to appreciate what one has built in life. Congratulations to you both. Just wish Tulip was there to join in.

  6. Happy Anniversary Kirk. It's a small world.... I have the camera you show in this blog sitting on my desk!! Part of the ~120 old cameras I own. Take Care, Be Well.

  7. Congrats! A good milestone to celebrate, in whatever way you can.

    37 Thursday for my wife and (very lucky) me.

  8. Champagne in front of an old film sounds perfect to me - no Porsche or tiara would be better. Enjoy and thanks for all the blogging.

  9. Congrats to both of you, well done! Debi and I are only at 20, but enjoying each other
    more every day. We've only had one argument in that shorter time of course, but it was
    my fault.

    Ray H.

  10. Percy Seaton-SmytheApril 13, 2020 at 4:46 PM

    A kind and compassionate looking partner for a good and talented man. Congratulations!

  11. Congratulations on your 35th, and on your partner!!!

    All you comments on your partner are spot on, and ones I try to live by. We're going to have our 50th in 2 months, and it looks like we'll make it. :-) With respect to your tiara and Porsche post; I have at times given my wife jewelry though never a tiara, but I did receive a complete surprise Porsche GT3 with a bow on it for my birthday just before our 35th anniversary. Thereafter, whenever I told the story I got many inquiries about how to get a wife like that - Extremely Good Luck!

    Stay healthy!

  12. Happy f64 Anniversary (with a lot of depth and focus)!

  13. Congratulations to one of the most loving couples Erna and I have had the great fortune to meet. You guys are like teenagers together, so in love and not embarrassed to show it. Erna and I will be enjoying out 15th anniversary on the 22nd. Which coincidentally is my birthday. I always joke we got married on my birthday because it was the only way I could get her to remember my birthday. That and it's always fun unwrapping my present!

    All the best to you both!

    Eric and Erna

  14. Thanks for all the great comments. Now, Mr. Wulff, please send me instructions on how to motivate my spouse into thinking giving me a Porsche (with or without bow) was all her idea and that she would be excited to do so... Thanks!

    Eric, too kind, but we'll take it! Thanks, and best to your Erna, we're so glad we got to know you. KT

  15. Congratulations to both of you! A rare thing indeed in this day and age.
    Me and Izzy are approaching 45 years, in July.

  16. Congratulations to you both, Kirk. Durable marriages seem to run in families -- probably the power of a good example. I don't remember just how long your parents were married, but I know it was a long time. My own parents were married 65 years; I have two siblings who have passed the 50-year mark, and another approaching it. Louise and I will celebrate 55 years in August. Truly seems as if it were just yesterday.

  17. Congratulations to you and to your wife! Take care!

  18. Congratulations Kirk, I hope you both enjoy another healthy and happy 35 years together!!

  19. Congratulations to the both of you. And Casablanca is a fine movie.

  20. Congratulations! And kudos to you for only having two arguments this entire time. It sure beats my wife and I, on our anniversary, congratulating each other for "not killing each other after umpteen years". Cheers!

  21. Congratulations Tuck family, please stay safe and have a nice day.

  22. Congratulations to Belinda and yourself on 35 of marriage. My wife and I just celebrated 30 years last week. Like many it was with a quiet meal in for two. We did celebrate with some Champagne as well and shared with neighbours over the back garden wall!

    All the best
    Andrew W.

  23. Happy 35th! May I suggest you trade 'Casablanca' for 'The Caine Mutiny'. Much more appropriate to the times.

  24. Congratulations on your 35th! You have a wonderful life together. Your home and studio are perfect. Also, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Studio Dog.

  25. Congratulations on your 35th. It will be 38 for us in August. It just keeps getting better.

  26. You must have done something right too Mr.T ... she's still there and still smiling. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both.

  27. Happy Anniversary to you and Belinda.

  28. But... Your secret to life can only work for half the people...!


  29. Congratulations to your wife Kirk.


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