The Good Stuff.


Two images from a Medium Format camera from circa 2008.

Eleven years ago I was shooting a lot of portraits and writing about them in some magazines that still existed. Actual printed magazines. On paper! And everyone who was making medium format digital camera systems was sending me product to use and review. One of my favorites was the Aptus II-7 which was a 36 by 48 mm, 33 megapixel back on a Rollei body. Along with the Schneider 180mm f2.8 lens it was a superb combination of parts. One afternoon, as I was working on a photo book for Amherst Media we decided to make some test shots of Heidi, my model who was collaborating with me on the book. My assistant, Amy, helped me get the lighting set up and we shot about a hundred frames. Then the batteries for the camera gave out and we stopped. I just found the files again and thought I'd make few prints. They stand up pretty well, even in the age of breathless Sony sensors and the madcap rush to super high ISO....


  1. its always a treat, here in Abu Dhabi, to wake in the morning and find you've been busy posting! Thanks for many years of interesting content w/ a nice strong dose of your personal life. I am 67 yr old helicopter pilot who instructs in a simulator. I love physical fitness like you, and admire your swimming. I re-caught the photo bug about 10 yrs ago, and have experimented with FF, APSC, m4/3 and 1": Panasonic, Nikon, and sony in that order. I love that you try 'everything' out there and report to us (-;

  2. The expression in the second photo is great. Characterful.



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