The Good Stuff.


I bought a gimbal today. I already know how to use this one. It didn't take long....


I don't know if you can tell in the writing but I'm really enthusiastic about video these days. The project I'm working on for Zach Theatre is allowing me to exercise all those problem solving skills that have made photography so much fun for so long. There's always something new to learn about video and I also get to play with lots of new toys. 

When my friend, James, lent me a big and complex gimbal I thought I might have trouble becoming tolerably proficient with it. It dawned on me that I've never used a modern gimbal before and always told everyone that I preferred shooting on a tripod but mostly because I was afraid that a moving stability device might outwit me and finally expose my blind spot for stuff like that. Too many buttons and options. 

But a wise video guru suggested that before I get too deep into the Ronin S I might want to pick up one of the newer gimbals that are designed to work with smart phones and spend some time getting acclimated in that way. I was leery of the advice but when I got to the camera store I found out that the cell phone gimbals are relatively cheap so the cost of a failed learning curve wasn't going to bankrupt the family and swipe food from our table. 

I opted for a Zhiyun Smooth Q2. It cost $130. I brought it home and watched two ten minute tutorials about set up and use and I charged the battery. While taking a break from my fascinating play date with the Ninja V digital recorder I finally fitted and balanced my iPhone XR and turned the little machine on. It works exactly like I thought it would. Minutes later I was swooping around the office making short but very stable videos and imagining how I'd use this device for some highly mobile shots to pepper in between the more staid and conservative shots I'm also making with the bigger cameras. 

Won't it be embarrassing if the Q2 and the iPhone blow away the S1s and the Ninja? I can't wait to get out and embarrass myself. 

If you have any good hints about gimbal use; especially with iPhones, be sure to let me know in the comments. 

I knew that phone would come in handy.....


  1. Next up, an Insta360 for overhead views....low altitude drone shots without a drone, and in circumstances where a drone would not be legal. The way it masks out the pole supporting it can be pretty magical, as is its “flow state” stabilization. 4K too.

  2. Glad to hear you are out having fun again! I need to get out and do some practice video work. It's been on the back burner far too long.


  3. I just bought a DJI Osmo Mobile 3 to practice using it with my iPhone 11 for possible real estate video shooting. I've owned larger gimbals in the past and just returned a Feiyi AK2000 to B&H even though I got it on sale for next to nothing simply because it got tiring to use with my A7III. I wouldn't use the phone for my photos but for clients who may want a short video as well ... why not.


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