The Good Stuff.


It's International Photography Day. I thought I'd put together some images from the previous year's Eeyore's Birthday Party, for old time's sake. Some NSFW! You've been advised.



  1. Are you sure you shot these last year? These look suspiciously like they're from 1967's "Summer of Love" and we're both old enough to have been there.

  2. Ahhh the 60's and early 70's .........

  3. Is that first shot the Rev. Payton?

  4. Gordon, It's always the "Summer of Love" in Austin....

  5. Perhaps the picture are NSFW but they sure are well suited for retired men.

  6. Beautiful people and even more beautiful photos. The portrait of the girl in the photo #2 is simply breathtaking. Thanks.

  7. The blonde in the sunglasses. Classic Helen of Troy. Well captured.


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