The Good Stuff.



It's 42°. Up and out for swim practice. Hope they have the pool heaters on....



  1. Gefeliciteerd! (Dutch congratulations)

  2. Bonne anniversaire. It's just a number.

  3. 22 here in the Panhandle.

    Happy Birthday!!

  4. Happy birthday, and continued good health to you!

  5. 3200 meters. All done. Now eating breakfast. Then loading the car. Fun day ahead.

    My 50 meter repeat times are 5 seconds faster than when I was 50. More technique and diligence.

    No aches no pains. Yay! Savoring every second.

  6. Hello Kirk,

    You might be interested in the new DXO PhotoLab 4 upgrade that includes the excellent ( as far as I can determine so far) " Deep Prime" noise cancelling function. It is based on "Artificial
    Intelligence ( what isn't lately ) that reduces digital noise at the same time as it demosaics your photographs. I shoot on Olympus so I was very interested in giving it a try. I already use DXO to process my photographs and have been very impressed at how it handles m4/3 files. I downloaded the trial version and gave it a try. Wow! It cleans up the noise but keeps the details sharp, maybe even sharper than the original file. Not sure, you can judge for yourself. I thought it might be great for your theatre shoots even though you are using the
    full frame cameras now. I gentleman on the LL site tried it on his low iso full frame shots and he said it looked better than without. A side benefit is that it renders the out of focus areas very nicely...on my photos, anyway. The only downside I see so far is that it is very slow to render, it does it on output...but it is worth the wait. It sounds like I work for DXO, I don't. I no longer worry about shooting at iso 1600 and I know you do a lot of high iso shooting at the theatre.

  7. Happy Birthday !!! Welcome to the senior's club where everything is possible (well I think it is, but then sometimes the more realistic side of my brain takes over and tells me to be careful, my body is not as young as it was even if my brain still thinks it is). Take a moment to reflect on how good your life has been; your family, your job and your health; then just go out and have a blast (while the realistic side of your brain isn't looking!).

    Keep well, keep safe; the rest of your life begins today!


  8. Happy Birthday indeed. Even more happy - the improvement in time versus age 50. Most of us don’t work that way.

  9. Kt,
    Happy Birthday young man. The best is yet to come.

  10. Happy Birthday. 65 = 32,5 on each side! -):

  11. Happy Birthday! 42° F sounds good for swimming, which I know nothing about. I have seen from time to time TV programs about the health benefits of plunging into very cold water and only last week they featured some work that tended to show it was beneficial in avoiding dementia. There are several groups in London that swim throughout the year whether there is ice on the lakes or not. I can’t believe there aren’t people in the US doing the same thing but maybe it’s difficult to find cold water in Texas other than in bottles?

  12. HI Richard, There's never ice on central Texas lakes! 😄The 42° was the air temp. Our outdoor pool is chilled in the Summer and heated in the Winter to a constant 82° f.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. All are appreciated.

  13. I hope you and Belinda are enjoying a great bottle of wine with equally refined and great friends. All the best!!

    Eric and Erna

  14. Happy birthday Kirk! Make it one to remember.

  15. Happy Birthday, Kirk

    I'm one of your "silent" readers,
    but I thought it may be nice
    to surface on your BD.

    John T.

  16. Just finished off a big slab of German chocolate cake. Big smile on my face. I'll swim extra tomorrow...

    A wonderful birthday. I got everything I ever wanted; and presents too.

  17. Happy birthday,
    Glad your day went well. From every year on up you should be allowed to drive your age. Will keep it exciting when you turn 100. Just don't move to Canada, the speed hit will surprise you.
    All the best,

  18. Happy birthday, Kirk. Appreciate your wit and wisdom.


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