The Good Stuff.


Thanksgiving Prosecco. Bring your camera to the table.

Panasonic GH5 and the Sigma 56mm f1.4. 
Bokeh-Masters for m4:3.

Heading in for a little facial surgery tomorrow. Part of a witness protection program? Vanity inspired plastic surgery? Naw, just a bit of cancer remediation. Wish me luck!

In the meantime, is anyone out there using the Leica SL2? I'd love to read what you think about it if you are. I've been bouncing back and forth for months about whether or not to "invest" in one. I may be too fickle to make the "one camera forever" thing work. But you never know...

Write me in the comments if you have experience. If you want to write a guest column about your experiences we can certainly entertain that. But you have to be a real, hands on user and not just a Leica hater with an axe to grind. There are other sites for that.


  1. Best wishes for tomorrow. Good that you're taking care of yourself.

    I have not had the Mohs procedure, but I have had both basal cell and squamous cell cancers removed, neither of them facial.

  2. Thanks Mike. I think it will turn out much better than my anxious mind predicts...

  3. I'm not a "Leica hater" but I wouldn't buy one as my trust fund has yet to mature. But if you can afford it and think it will be be that beneficial to your photography, go ahead and purchase. Just let us know your impressions after using it for some time. Heck, you might even convince some of the proletariat.

  4. Good luck for the surgery & best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    I have been enjoying your dusk shots around Austin. :)

  5. Good luck today, you will be fine!

  6. Good luck with the surgery! I had a basal cell carcinoma removed from the edge of my upper eyelid in 1974, so far no problems ;). No doubt due to the unrelenting sunshine here in England, though 2 years in Arabia and working in chemical carcinogen research may have been minor contributing factors.

  7. Good luck for today too! Get well soon,

  8. Leica:
    I like the haptics of an almost film camera with the digital M's.
    As a bussiness proposal not so much.
    Partially sloppy design and craftmanship for the price.
    Repair turnaround 3 Month.
    (I do have some stuff from Leitz, old an new)


  9. Kirk,
    Hope all goes well today. Check out Patrick uses the SL2 .He’s been a Leica user for some time, but also uses other camera brands too.

  10. I’d wish you good luck, but by the time you read this it will all be over and done. The sometimes anxious Henry White will have been muscled aside by Kirk Braverman. All will be well.

  11. I have survived. Went quick. All cancerous stuff cleared out on the first try. Now recovering at home with pistachio almond ice cream and Netflix binging. Yay!

  12. Glad it went well. Enjoy the ice cream.

  13. I've been using an SL2 with a wide range of lenses since December 2019 -- old R medium and more serious telephoto (80/1.4 to 280/4 as well as the new Summicrons 35, 50 and 75 and even a few S lenses that were left lonely on the dealer shelves. There are plenty of stills on my Flickr account , but I haven't really explored video. It's giving solid performance, even working OK with M lenses (and better than the S1/S1R for some finicky cases). Firmware now at 2.0 adds some nice things. Happy to discuss offline if you want to know more.

  14. Good luck with the surgery, and I hope that it eradicates the cancer: we can't afford to lose you.


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