The Good Stuff.


We Blew Right Past Our 4,800th Published Blog Post and I Didn't Even Notice. Time Flies When You Are Having Fun!!!


Huddled here in my tiny, shabby office, my fingertips blistered from typing millions and millions of words, shivering from the arctic cold slipping through the cracks in my little building and making a joke out of North Face fleece-wear, I noticed, with bleary eyes, that we passed the 4,800th mark for published blog posts. Scintillating, cerebral and riveting are never words used to describe the content here but then, how many 2000+ word blog posts have you written in the last ten years? How many people have you been able to piss off with your arrogant, know-it-all writing style?  So there. 

We closing in on 5,000. That's the new target. 200 more posts to go. 

You can help us in this endeavor by donating either a new Bentley automobile or a complete collection of Leica cinema lenses (in PL mounts). Let me know which you choose to gift us with in the form below....

form. not found. probably never created. Oh well.


  1. Congratulations! In the time I've been following you, you've not produced a sloppily written, throw-away post. Lap swimming or video production may not be my thing, but I always read them because they are so well done.

  2. If the target suggests it's going to be 200-and-out I'm going to be one very depressed person.

  3. We the audience wait in anticipation for the nxt 5000 blog posts as we journey thru life with you.Never a dull moment

  4. It was pretty dull yesterday when I was in the dentist's chair for 2 hours having crown prep done. Fortunately I adore my dentist and consider her to be a true artist. Now, if I could only figure out how to have Medicare pay for the service....


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