The Good Stuff.


A short, quick follow up to my vaccination experience yesterday.

I heard so much misinformation before going to get my first dose of Moderna vaccine that I thought I might bleed out on the spot. Or that a few hours later all of my DNA would dissolve and be replaced by Lemur DNA. Or that I would become neurotic (but how can you be double neurotic?). Or that a cabal of sinister dark state hooligans would drain my bank accounts. Or that the nano-transmitters in the vaccine would mess up my wi-fi reception. Or that I would start vomiting newsprint and be unable to stop. Or that I would grow a second head which would try to turn on the original head and bite it. Or that I would become a zombie (been there, done that). Or that the vaccine was poison and only Q'Anon could give me the antidote.

I'm happy to say that none of these things happened. Well, I have no way of knowing about the DNA but I haven't morphed into an endangered species so that's some comfort.

Here's what happened this morning: When I woke up I took a battery of I.Q. tests and find that now I am 30 points smarter than I was yesterday. I am also ten years younger. I decided to walk up to the neighborhood coffee shop but I felt so good that I ended up sprinting to a nice place about ten miles from here instead. I lost five pounds of fat overnight and gained ten pounds of rock solid muscle. My waist shrank from a size 32 to a size 28. When I checked my retirement account this morning it had tripled overnight. My wife told me that I am adorable. As did all 17 of my mistresses; newly acquired; just since the vaccine. 

But it doesn't stop there. My neighbor's car had a flat tire and no tire jack. I didn't mind in the least holding the rear quadrant of the car off the ground while he changed the tire. But I will say that those Chevy Suburbans get heavy after a while.

But yeah. My right shoulder is just a bit sore. I guess you have to take the bad with the good.

That's all I've got on this subject. Do what you want. Your results may vary.

Oh, one last thing; for a limited time yesterday, at least here in Austin, everyone who got a vaccine also got a free Leica M10R. Nice. 

 Added on Thursday to make something clear. This is directly from the CDC website:

How COVID-19 Vaccines Work

COVID-19 vaccines help our bodies develop immunity to the virus that causes COVID-19 without us having to get the illness. Different types of vaccines work in different ways to offer protection, but with all types of vaccines, the body is left with a supply of “memory” T-lymphocytes as well as B-lymphocytes that will remember how to fight that virus in the future.

It typically takes a few weeks for the body to produce T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes after vaccination. Therefore, it is possible that a person could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 just before or just after vaccination and then get sick because the vaccine did not have enough time to provide protection.

Sometimes after vaccination, the process of building immunity can cause symptoms, such as fever. These symptoms are normal and are a sign that the body is building immunity.

Have a nice day.


  1. What would one have to do to get a Leica Q2? Asking for myself (forget my friends!)

  2. There is a rumor coming in from an Iranian ayatollah that the vaccine will change your sexual preference. I will keep my eyes open for any amorous flirtations the next time we meet.

  3. And that's just the beginning. Wait until you get the second shot!

  4. I had my first shot a few weeks ago. Nothing odd happened, except for the 15-20 backflips I did while exiting the clinic.

  5. We don't need no stink'n vaccine up here! It's -40C and F, yes they meet at -40 so we have been told to get naked and go jump into a snowbank. If we all do this at the same time and stay in the snowbank for at least 20 minutes it will kill every virus in our body. Of course there is a high risk of death or loosing body parts.

    Oh wait I just read further, these instruction are only to be followed by conspiracy theory followers. Q has spoken from on high. They don't want us to know the truth!

    Sounds like a great plan, we get rid of anti maskers and the physical and intellectual viruses they are spreading all in one shot.


  6. Eric, Don't know if you've checked the weather forecast here in Austin but it's going to be excruciatingly cold on Monday. We're talking maybe 9. We might even have snow bank. It's sure to bring Austin and its inhabitants to their knees. Hell, we have problems driving when it's raining. Ice? We'll never survive.

    Man, every time I post something about vaccines I end up having to moderate a dozen or so comments about how the vaccines don't work or are deadly. Stupidity is quickly losing its charm...

  7. Of course the nano-transmitters in the vaccine won't screw up your Wifi - if they did, Bill Gates wouldn't be able to track you from the comfort of his Medina manse.

    We're forecast to get maybe a half-foot of snow Friday night (more than enough to shut down Seattle), so I fully expect an email tomorrow afternoon informing me of my jab appointment on Saturday morning.

  8. Ha..ha..ha got a good laugh there. Incredible how some people still live in the middle ages and are afraid to get a vaccination.

  9. "why wouldn't anyone NOT want to be a 5G antenna" - hilarious response of my precocious 12 yo nephew, discussing vaccine hesitancy with his silicon valley parents.

  10. Hi Kirk:

    Your experience with the Moderna shot mirrors that of many others. I have a doctor friend who suggests that you get the second shot in the other arm. In any case, an underwhelming experience with such things is always welcomed.

    Stay well and bundle up. 9 degrees F in a location more used to 89 F can be tougher to handle than 20 below in northen Montana:)

    Stay Well,


  11. I finally got a shot, also Moderna. They asked me which shoulder, and I said, "The left." I said the left because I broke my right arm last summer, and my right shoulder still hurts enough that I can't sleep on it. When I got outside the clinic with my wife, she asked, "Why'd you get it in the left shoulder? Now both shoulders will hurt." I said, "*t." She was right. But, it wasn't bad, and only lasted for a day. I'm a little more apprehensive about the second shot, which a friend of mine got a week ago. But, he said that while it was worse than the first, it was basically a day of feeling kind of crappy, and then it was done. Much, much better than the alternative. You know...death. In other virus news, I read somewhere (Washington Post, NYT) that some CDC people think that the covid vaccine could become an annual ritual, like the flu vaccine.

  12. Most of us here where I work (in a hospital) got the Phizer vaccine. Almost everyone had a sore arm after the first shot. About half had no reaction after the second shot, but the other half (me included) had the flu-like symptoms that seem to be common.

    So it’s wise to plan for some down time after the second shot, but it might not be necessary.

    Interestingly I know a couple who contracted Covid last spring. One got the Phizer vaccine and one got the Moderna, but both of them felt lousy after EACH shot.

    All of us are grateful to now have this protection. I was surprised at the relief I felt after the second shot, not realizing that I must have been kind of worried for the last year or so. And I work in Engineering, so I can only imagine what the medical staff was going through.

    An email today from our Chief Medical Officer informed us that ,as of 1/20, zero vaccinated employees have tested positive.

    Here’s hoping that the vaccination roll out improves and becomes readily available to everyone. In the meantime, here at work and everywhere else, I still follow all the precautions.

  13. Fun post! It is why I keep coming back. Here in NM they are still vaccinating those 75+ plus those in higher-risk groups like medical workers. As a 73+ guy, I now am grouped with those 60+ and those 16+ with pre-existing conditions. Personally, I now consider myself as being in the 16+ age group and consider my pre-existing condition as being too young. Seems about right for my mental state!

  14. I got my first shot about 5 hours ago as we speak, so far nothing has happened but I'm hoping to grow hair on the top of my head. I'll report back if it happens.

  15. I got my first dose of Moderna Tuesday morning. In addition to soreness at the injection site I've experienced two nights of sleeplessness. It feels like I'm running on caffeine or adrenalin. So maybe my body is in some sort of hyperdrive mode. Odd but not concerning.


  16. Well shoot. The vaccine sounds like fun, but I can't figure out when to get one, since I had Covid last month.... Keep hearing different advice on the topic. i should get the shot or I should wait. I'll look forward to joining you in the vaccine but I don't know when. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  17. That is hilarious!! Nice blog entry today.

  18. Cheers Kirk, and continued good health to you!

    By co-ink-ee-dink I got my first jab yesterday--Pfizer--here in California's capital. Process was smooth, shot gave no pain and a day later I have a sore shoulder and nothing further. Another tiny notch in the herd tally. Shot #2 is reputed to trigger flu-like symptoms for some but I have three weeks to ponder that.

    Not unrelated, it's a relief to see social media beginning to pull the accounts of anti-vaxxers posting nonsense, evidently including RFK Jr, who has been on this beat for many years. He was at a movie premiere here several years ago where he compared vaccines to the Holocaust. What a mensch.

    Get that shot; go out and live!

  19. But, but, but...the nano things!!! Right....

    Glad to see most of the VSL readers are brave and smart.

  20. Hello Mr. Tuck!
    Great post :). I am going for my first jab today - surprisingly early as I'm in 50+ group with no medical conditions (not yet diagnosed at least). It will most likely be Oxford AstraZeneca so no chance of addition of these fantastic nano blue pills in it I'm afraid. Hopefully the other nano things will make shutters out of my eyelids and I'll be able to upload what I see to the cloud via 5G.

    Stay well.

  21. re Piotr's "Hopefully the other nano things will make shutters out of my eyelids and I'll be able to upload what I see to the cloud via 5G."

    I have wanted that since my emergency surgery for a retinal detachment about 3 years ago. The view from my left eye changed with each passing day, and I struggled to describe it to others.

    The surgery involved removing the vitreous fluid so that the laser works, then filling the orb with an inert gas (Freon), which gradually gets absorbed as the body manufactures fluid to replace it. Revelation: classic optics, the image projected onto the retina is upside down! At one point, when my eye was half-filled, I saw the fluid was filling from the top, down. At night, in traffic, (my wife driving), there was quite a light show. I really wanted to take pictures as all this happened.

  22. Yahoo I feel like I won the lottery. I have an appointment Tuesday for my first shot. I just hope the side effects don't include going on a diet and having a strange need to play pool. (Apologies to TOP)

  23. Great post, Kirk, so witty I've shared it on Facebook! Got my first jab today too, in little old UK. Mine was Astra-Zeneca. Stay safe, it's not over yet!

  24. Latest forecast for the low temp on Sunday is 12° and the low on Monday will be 3° fahrenheit (which is like minus 200 centigrade).

    Holy crap!

  25. You've probably listened to this already, but if you have not, I found it quite good:

  26. Glad to hear you got your jab. And thanks for doing your bit to counter the nonsense


  27. Rick (the goyishe kop) said, "What a mench." No the definition of mench is: "a person of integrity and honor. The word you were looking for to describe RFK Jr. is PUTZ.

  28. Great advice and much appreciated. I'm spending the rest of the day mulching every plant I can and also rigging some areas with work lights and covering sheets. I feel like a citrus farmer in Florida during a hard freeze. Thanks for all the hard won insight. You probably saved me a lot of pain. And thanks for coming here to read my stuff.

  29. Got my first dose two days ago. Arm's a little sore, but love being able to see all the unicorns now.

  30. Good for you man. I just got mine because they were giving away free bandaids. Coincidentally I got unicorns and rainbows on my bandaid. So cool.

    Can't wait for the second dose. One of the side effects is that for about five hours everything tastes like chocolate. Really, really good chocolate.


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