The Good Stuff.


Yes. These are intended to be "dark." I shot them after the sunset. A tour through the sidewalks with the SL2 and the 50 S-Pro. All shot at f2.2. ISOs from 1600 to 5600.


  1. Reminds me of Life Magazine from the 1950's. Nice tones.

  2. The back alley one is my fave. (I'm envious.)

  3. These are very, very good, and I say this as someone who is more of a fan of your portrait work.

  4. Film noir and the alleyway photo- go together like, well, snow and Austin cold. No that won't work. Good ol' ham and eggs do. Really like the moody shots using available darkness.

  5. Hey, Kirk. I know you're a portraiture guy so, at the risk of pissing you off, I have to say your street and urban creds with a camera aren't shabby. I've always enjoyed your walk-around shots, but these are terrific. Number eight and nine are my favorites.

  6. Thanks for posting these night shots.

  7. Lovely tonalities.

    The 'alley' shot reminded me of the Fabulous Baker Boys.

  8. Thanks to everyone. I really appreciate the nice feedback. I'll do more.

  9. Terrific images, Kirk. Each told a story, but together they were even more special. As was said, they were reminiscent of a Life or Look magazine piece. Really strong images. Glad you'll be doing more!


  10. Cool - I like your work in black n white. Now just flip the ratio to 6:6 and all will be right with the world! Lovely tones and mood. The street lamp in particular makes the scene almost noirish.


  11. Love the tonality of these gorgeous black and white images. Can you tell us how you processed them? LR? Camera Raw? Capture One? Just converted to Monochrome and added contrast, etc...

    Keep up the b&w work; tis some of your best!


  12. Hi Edwin, They were shot in Monochrome High Contrast in Jpeg, Large, Fine in the Leica SL2. No raw processing necessary. I imported them into Lightroom and added some contrast and clarity and then re-sized them to 2200 pixels on the long side for Blogger. That's it. No muss, no fuss.


  13. These are cool Kirk especially the chairs photo and the alley.


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