The Good Stuff.


Finally got that appointment locked down. Also took a fun photo with "Willie Nelson." And friends. +Bonus: The SL2 does black and white...


I got an e-mail from Austin Public Health at 3:27 p.m. today telling me I have an appointment on Thursday morning, this week, for my second dose of Moderna vaccine. I've had about a dozen friends and acquaintances tell me they got incredibly sick for two days afterwards. Fevers, chills, splitting headaches and dramatic vomiting. But I've got another dozen people who claim they just had sore arms and needed to take a nap the next day. I hope I roll the dice and get the sore arm and the (always welcome) nap. 

I was downtown when I got the message and I was pretty delighted. The appointment will slot in right after my visit with the dermatologist with whom I'll play: guess the mystery bump. I don't really care about the side effects, I'm just happy to be getting the vaccine. Last time I had blood work done the doctor told me I was low on plasma delivered, nano-tracking-bots... But I have been guaranteed that the vaccine will change my DNA --- for the better. Next picture you see of me I'll probably be 6'6" and absolutely ripped. What it really means is that in two more weeks I'll be able to go to the (outside) happy hour with my friend, Debbie K. (You first met her in the Henry White novel...). 

Since I was wasting time waiting for a text or a phone call from APH I had decided to prowl around downtown with the Leica SL2 and the Sigma 45mm lens. I used the lens today in manual focus mode and realized that I really like to shoot that way. I also put the camera into the monochrome mode so I could read comments about how much better everything would have been in color...

To celebrate after I get jabbed Thursday I'm going by the Arepas
shop on Colorado St. for a Mexican Coffee. 
No idea what's in it but that's part of the adventure.

couldn't pass up another photo of my plastic "girlfriend" at the shop 
on Second St.

Even the most caustic and cynical among you will have to admit that
the proportions of camera-to-photographer are perfect.

It's a ratio thing. 


  1. Congrats on the 2nd appt. An incredibly sore arm on the first one. The doctor who administered the dose told me to relax the muscle but more importantly swing the arm for about 10 minutes after the vaccine. Much, much better.

    Chills and tiredness for 24 hours and then back to normal.

    And we can have coffee or lunch!

  2. I figure the m in mRNA stands for 'mutant'. Still awaiting my 2nd Pfizer shot, after which my superpower should become clear. Here's hoping mine isn't an ability to switch imaging gear faster than ever.. seems I'm changing my kit post twice a day.

  3. "low on plasma delivered, nano-tracking-bots... But I have been guaranteed that the vaccine will change my DNA -". Careful. There are 70 million or so MAGA types in USA who believe this drivel. It is a shocking indictment of our education system and the insidious influence of brainwashing.

  4. Won't they be sad to learn that the vaccines also make one richer and better looking. Not to mention the photographic benefits of not being dead....

  5. Wow! Those Leica folk really have some of the highest tech installed in that SL2 of yours. Besides making perfect B&W images, better than color on this planet or any other, they even reverse the camera name on reflections! Gotta get me one!

  6. yep. No matter how you shoot it the logo always reads correctly. It's pretty miraculous.

  7. Had my second Pfizer shot yesterday (Tuesday) morning. My only complaint is a sore arm, not as sore as my first shot. A little more tired last night than usual and perhaps a bit of nausea
    it has all passed by this morning. My wife had a more intense reaction though nothing out of the ordinary.
    Mexican coffee to me has always been Kahlua and coffee. Sometimes with additional cream or sugar.
    So far as getting older, nothing to be concerned about until the doctors say "nothing can be done, all we can do is....Until then live like its 1999!

  8. Well get ready for a couple of down days after the second shot of the Moderna. It takes about 12 to 13 hours before you start to get chills, headache, body aches, and fatigue. Or at least that's what happened to me and a few other people I know. I hope you are spared the side effects. The first shot was easy the second was unexpected and lasted about 2 days. As for photography I have one job coming up and it will last thru May 2021 after that zero, nothing, it's over. So getting ready to go on the road again. The upside, my 17 year old son will be doing the video for his visual arts class project. It will be fun.
    Rest and drink fluids you'll be back to normal in "the wink of a young girls eye"

  9. Stocked up with Tylenol Extra Strength and Gatorade. Hoping to win much sympathy with my family and get them to do some of the chores I'm usually supposed to do... Thanks for the heads up.

  10. I really like the Willy shot. Love the expressions on the men.


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