The Good Stuff.


Some purchases are just for fun. Some cars and cameras have the "street appeal" most are utilitarian.


camera: Sony Nex-7
Lens: Sony 50mm f1.8 OSS

It's been a wild week in Texas. ERCOT might have to refund 16 BILLION DOLLARS; billed in "error", the governor has gone over the edge and basically unleashed the mask-less hordes just in time for a Spring Break Covid-19 resurgence and the stock market is dropping because (?) bonds are selling off? Crazy times. 

Me? I'm just enjoying going through old files and separating the wheat (thimbles full) from the chaff (ton loads). 

The image above was taken on one of my many, many monotonous walks through downtown Austin. It's a beautifully maintained, early 1960's Chevrolet Corvette. Not a very practical car but a very striking one indeed. I have to say that the twin headlights and the front grill are wonderfully designed. And car aficionados always love a car with "hips." 

If I looked to photography for the analogous product it would probably be a Leica M4, in chrome finish, with a matching 35mm Summicron on the front. That seems just about right.

So happy it's Friday. I think. But what month is it? 



  1. Lovely shot of the Corvette. I think the reflection on the windshield adds a lot.

    When it comes to cars as art, I prefer the more refined look of the Jaguar E-Type. On its release in 1961, Enzo Ferrari called it the most beautiful car ever made. Who's gonna argue with Enzo! ;-)

  2. I have to say I really like the colors in this image! Unbelievable that you can get this from such a lesser camera - and a Sony to boot :)

  3. There was a time where each car model was very distinct from others. Cars as art is a bygone era. Now they all look like jelly beans.


  4. I don't have a Corvette but still have a chrome Leica M4 with a v3 35mm Summicron. I need to load a roll of Tri-X and give it some exercise.

  5. Gorgeous car. I'm guessing it's a 59 (front plate). That era had the best looking Vets in my humble opinion. Two tone red/white is exactly how I'd order mine. Classic, like a M4.

  6. Beautiful.
    Probably 1959 C1 - see the numberplate. Produced up to 1962.

  7. A buddy of mine had one of those early Vettes. Took me on a very wild ride in it! Beautiful car to look at but not the best handling.

    I agree with the above sentiments that vehicles these days pretty much all look the same. So boring!

    I have a black M4 and a 50mm Summicron so I guess I'm not going to be invited to the "cool" table lol.


  8. Years ago I drove behind one of these exact models for 20 miles or so on a two-lane highway.

    A summer downpour came through and the man and women in the car just kept driving with the top down. Semi-trucks coming the other direction would deluge the car and occupants, still they just drove on through the downpour.

    All I could think was it was the ex-husband's car and they were out for a Sunday Drive to trash it.

  9. To: karmagroovy,

    Someone in my past, (can't even think where to look for the quote), called the E type Jag 'the greatest crumpet collector known to man'. (Brit slang for 'chicks')

    Some reason I always remember that.


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