The Good Stuff.


Essential Flash Trigger Trick for the Godox X1T Wireless Trigger.

Radiologist in a reading room.

Shot quick with totally manual, battery powered, hot shoe flashes.

I struggle when there are too many options on a flash or a flash trigger. I guess it's from coming of age in photography during a period when the biggest control on a studio flash was "on or off." I mostly buy "dumb" flashes for everyday use and I'm generally confounded when I'm setting up a monolight or battery powered flash on a location, under a deadline, and my hand accidentally brushes against a button and all of a sudden the flash throws itself into some mode where it triggers five times at some weird power whenever I hit the camera's shutter button. I race through the menus trying to figure out how to turn off all the weird menu features that I can't imagine any photographer actually wanting, just trying to get back to a fully manual configuration. Sometimes I just can't seem to persuade a unit to relent and let me have some say in its settings. 

Where am I going with this? Well, I have two flash triggers that vex me whenever I use more than one flash at a time and use the Godox X1T trigger to fire the flash. What I want to do is set each flash individually and have them stay where I set them. I guess I can do exactly this if I sit down, read the manual, then put each flash into a different group, set each group to manual on the trigger device, and then adjust each group to a manually set power output. But it seems far easier to me to just reach up and set each flash to the power I'd like it to put out as I set each flash up by using controls on the flash itself. Sure, doing it all from the trigger on the camera's hotshoe is probably easier than going to each monolight and setting a dial with one's fingers but in the middle of the shoot knowing which flash is in which group can get fuzzy. I just want them to stay set in the mode and power output I've chosen and to stay there. I know that's not au courant or cool or particularly efficient but can't a trigger be just a trigger?

Well, apparently it can. After owning these things for years and cursing them repeatedly I've finally decided to find a solution. As it would turn out, if I had just read the f-ing manual I would have already known. 

There is a procedure that will allow you to render your trigger into a dumb, one trick pony. You can go into the custom functions, go to custom function # one and turn off all the electrical contacts except for the actual, standard triggering contact. The big fat, center contact that works on almost all cameras. Once you do that you can ignore all the other stuff (as long as you match the channel settings on the flash and the camera). Now you have the equivalent of my ancient, Wein, infra-red trigger. There are no settings to think about, you push the shutter button and the shoe-mounted device sends a radio signal to the receiver unit in every flash set to the same channel and just makes them trigger. No ever-changing settings, no fuss.

I understand that you might want to control everything from camera if you are working in a situation in which you need to change ratios all the time (although I can't imagine the scenario off hand). Then, I guess it makes sense to have the control from the camera. But being fluid in that methodology requires you to practice using the gear this way more frequently than I do.

There are a couple of benefits to turning off all the unnecessary electrical connections and just having signal at the center post. 

I bought one trigger when I was using a lot of Olympus cameras. That trigger is dedicated to that system. I bought another trigger to use the flashes with Fuji cameras and that trigger is dedicated to the Fuji hot shoe configuration. There's a chance, when using a trigger made for one brand on a camera that has different signals at different contacts, of either messing up your exposures and settings or even frying the tender electronics in mismatched cameras. And that would be really bad. Especially on a quick action shoot.

By turning off all the automatic contacts on each trigger and allowing only the simple, universal contact that allows the camera to trigger the trigger, each X1T becomes a safe, universal trigger across all the cameras I own and use. 

By turning off the automatic stuff I can use either trigger on my Leicas, Panasonic S series cameras or even my Fuji X100V's. No excess brainwork required. All concentration can be centered on working with the subjects and working on composition. I wish every flash device had a big button on it somewhere that hapless photographers like me could just push and go straight into a "bulletproof" manual mode; no questions asked. Till then, at least with my X1T triggers, there's always FN 2. 


  1. Thanks for the tip. I hadn't noticed that either. It'll come in handy for syncing with my film cameras and mixing with other brand flashes that have built in light sensing sync abilities.

    I need to check and see if the Godox flashes retain their last power settings when switched to Function 1 on. My manuals are 1700 miles away, and a quick search found no manuals online, only firmware updates.

    Lee in Kerrville

  2. This will solve all your problems.

  3. I used to use those real cheap radio remotes on my strobes but decided I needed go up town with a control everything from the camera system. I used it three times and threw everything back in the box and went back to the cheap remotes. It was actually faster and more reliable just to step over to the light and dial it up or down on my own.

  4. Hi Kirk, that's my point of view exactly. I used four lights at the shoot yesterday. Each was carefully placed, exactly set and well metered. The Godox X1T was set in the mode to be "center pin trigger" only. Worked great. No misfires no screw ups. Sometimes over-engineering just makes everything worse if you already know what you are doing.

  5. Frank, that thing looks absolutely dreadful. And it's way, way, way too much money. For that price it should have a red dot and also make cappuccino.

  6. I figured Frank's comment was probably tongue in cheek given the price, appearance, and features. Sometimes it's difficult to tell without some sort of indication.

    Lee in Kerrville

  7. Hi Lee, Frank and I are very good friends and have coffee together at least a couple of times a month. I can guarantee to you that he was just poking me in the ribs for fun. He's a great guy and incredibly informed about photography and video. A humorous comment for him is like candy to me.

  8. Should say, "A humorous comment from him is like candy to me." Hate it when stuff auto cornects me.... (tee hee).

  9. Kirk,

    When I got my first camera that supported the super do all flashes, I ran out and got one.. Guess what, my photos got worse, not better. So I went back to using the flashe with their own self contained sensor, and the hit rate went up by miles. NOw bear in mind that I was shooting photos of workers on job sites, basically photojournalism, so no complicated setups with multiple lighting, but still...

    Bill Pearce

  10. This is what I use. A simple trigger. And if I use more than one light I'll put them all on the same group and, like you, just make any adjustments on the flash itself. And if using just a single flash I can easily adjust the power from the transmitter if I choose.


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