The Good Stuff.


Taking a morning off to do a quiet walk and take my mind off the horrible state of the world...

So much bad news everywhere and so little I can do about it. I needed to avoid the internet, avoid my TV news and disconnect. One way that's good for me is to take a walk by myself and take a camera along to keep my fingers and part of my brain occupied. 

I've been playing with the Sigma fp for the last couple of days and thought it would be nice to see how the Sigma 24mm f3.5 works with that camera. At least I don't have to manually focus it on the rear screen to make it all work in the bright sun...

We had a wild rain storm last night, just after midnight. Huge wind gusts. Horizontal rain. Hail whipped sideways. In central Texas a fast moving cold front like that usually brings cool dry air and puffy clouds the next day. It made this morning's clouds look wonderful.

Camera set to ISO 100. Aperture set to f8.0. WB = sun icon. Shutter speed? The camera's choice. 

An old train engine waiting its turn next to the Amtrak station.
Going nowhere as slowly as possible.

With the Sigma fp you actually have a choice of raw file sizes. You can shoot at highest quality (6000x4000 in 14 bit) or you can shoot at a lower res (2000x3000)  but with 12 bits. I never tried the lower res version before so today was the day for experimenting. They all look good to me. 

24mm is about as wide as I ever like to go. I've got two lenses that are marginally wider. They don't see as much use. 

 That's all I've got for today. 


  1. I’m not surprised you are feeling bad. Commiserations.

  2. Sadly, all of the civilized world is feeling horrified that these shootings go on and on, almost as clockwork. Meanwhile here in 'murrikKKa....

  3. I've been enjoying taking pics of buses with a 24mm equivalent, it makes for very efficient street portraiture, 30 at once, more if there are bystanders

  4. We have to get on with our lives and not feel guilty about it. If we do 'negativity' wins. So, thank you for your photos and 'walk about writing' ....

    Personally I love my Panasonic G90/95, a very unappreciated camera with wonderful handling, just the right size for me, great with the 12-60 f2.8-4 and the Panasonic 35-100 f2.8, another lens that's brilliant, under the radar ...

    best to you Kirk and your lovely wife, Belinda ...

  5. I’m part of the news media - so I can’t stay away from the news. It’s becoming a larger issue for me these days. So much so that I see retirement on the horizon.

  6. You could consider running for public office.
    1) You seem genuinely concerned about the state of your community and the larger world (the only real qualification in my opinion), which is more than can be said for most higher-level public servants in Texas.
    2) You are an effective communicator. Your writing and professional success leads me to believe that you're also able to speak in coherent sentences, which is again more than you can say about the most visible public servants in Texas.
    3) You are a real-life successful business person, which I define as someone who did something with their life without the support of millions or billions in family money.

    At some point in the golden past (back when America was great), that would have made you a really good candidate in any state. Today, in Texas, probably not so much, and that's too bad for all of us.

  7. As I told a friend yesterday, if we didn't do our work on days when hatred and greed seemed to triumph, we'd never work again.


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