The Good Stuff.


the 21mm f1.5 TTartisan lens is very, very nice. I'm keeping mine. Oh. And by the way --- we just hit the 29,000,000 page view mark.


 Don't know about you but I'm happy and impressed to find that we've had twenty nine million page views over the years. Those are counted by Google as visits directly to the site and does not include numbers from feeds, etc. I'll take it. "Sitting on the wall for a 50...."


  1. "Sitting on the wall for a 50" = taking a short, break. In swim practice if you are too beat and need 30 seconds to recover you let the coach know you're "sitting out a 50"; 50 yards. One down and back. The coach then knows you are Okay and you'll be back in the set as soon your lane mates complete one circuit. As opposed to --- "there may be a problem here..."

  2. Congrats, Kirk! That's some longevity and much appreciated by this reader!

    So are you saying I was a slacker if I occasionally sat on the wall for a 100?!


  3. Gee Steve, for a whole hundred? That's a pretty generous break.... But as we say in the masters: "We're all grown ups here. The workout is just a suggestion..."

  4. "We're all grown ups here, the workout is just a suggestion..." now that is a t-shirt slogan! The TTArtisan bends light pretty nicely Kirk, do you have any other comments on it? I've been eyeing their trio for the X-mount.

  5. The first photo- the sunstar hitting the building is just, well, no other words but wonderful.
    Yes indeed take 50, some days are stronger than others- happens in all endeavors.

  6. 29 million views! Quite an accomplishment, Kirk. As a serious aside, are you still concerned about engagement?

  7. Something tells me 29 million views means there’s value in what you’re doing. Just a thought for those days when you wonder why keep it going.

  8. If only you'd thought to charge a buck a view...

  9. Even at a dime per I'd be doing pretty well...


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