The Good Stuff.


No Competition for Chairs in the Sun. Not Today.


Walking over to the Cookbook Cafe to have coffee with my video producer friend, James. Saw the chairs. Decided to see if the new (to me) Leica CL works. It does.

James and I have decided that firing bad clients is the most fun thing to do this Summer. We're only keeping the ones that: we like. who have a sense of humor. who pay their bills on time. and the ones who hire us because they actually like our work.

I'm amazed there are still more clients in Austin right now than there are good photographers to service them. 

Also can't believe that I typed that part out loud.

Time once again to raise those rates. Not just talking to myself...


  1. Loving your obsession with diagonals.


  2. Or.....we could talk about last year's iPhones...



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