The Good Stuff.


A Few More SOOC black and white Jpegs from Yesterday Afternoon...

Richard Avedon book: Evidence. At my third desk. The one in the living room.
That's mostly where I browse art books...

the back porch. If I were really wealthy I'd air condition it even though it's just screened in.
Then I could have breakfast out there every morning.

Caught this image quickly. It was hot soup. The bowl was burning her hands... almost.

I bought two of these coffee mugs in Santa Fe in April. Lost to black and white is the lovely, 
deep yellow inside the cup....

No filter needed when the Leica SL2 is set correctly.
I call this my SL2 Monochrome setting...

I must be losing weight. Those shorts look baggy.

 some camera brands are just much, much better at making monochrome images. Some are set up to shoot black and white as a horrible afterthought. 


  1. You see, you see, SOOC can't possibly work. You're doing it all wrong. :)

  2. You have that camera dialed in- your B&W images are looking good. As you describe the settings they work well. I can't imagine the M10 monochrome looking better.

  3. The photo of the table on the back porch is magical.


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