The Good Stuff.


I am becoming my own Cindy Sherman. These are still images from my yet to be made movie. One day people will be able to buy them in a gallery. The payoff will be spectacular.

anonymous urban photographer.


  1. Would you buy a used car from this person? :):) LOL

    Great look

  2. If only you had a Tilley, the look would be...ineffable.

  3. So is this a picture of you as Henry White? Is this a hint that you recently sold the rights to your book and it will be made into a major motion picture!? ;-)

  4. Kirk, you are channeling one of my favorite authors Hunter S Thompson. His story about the Kentucky Derby is required reading.

  5. And you wonder why people cross the street when you approach.

  6. Gosh Gordon...I thought I looked warm and cuddly. I guess I now know why no one has ever tried to steal one of my cameras... or given me incorrect change...


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