The Good Stuff.


After all my bitching and moaning about the 50mm f2.0 TTA lens I realized I really liked this shot and I should have just written some droll things about my personal life and then posted this photo along with it...


We were going to go to Germany but Putin made that harder. Too hard. There are a million people trying to leave Russia and they are heading straight for the E.U. Oh, and I'm pretty sanguine about saber rattling but when you have a crazy person with the ability to deploy hundreds or thousands of short range, tactical nuclear weapons at a moment's notice I'm not anxious to roll the dice and see how it's all going to play out. Added to that I'm low on iodine tablets....

We'll save a trip to Berlin and environs for the Spring. Maybe the Russian people will have figured out how to replace leaders by then. 

We switched plans and are now headed to Vancouver and B.C. at the last part of October and early November. I know it will be cold but realize that you're talking to a Texan who has just lived through the hottest Summer on record here in the central part of the state and the idea of being cold, or cold and wet, or just chilly seems enticing. Alluring. Luxurious. Reservations have been made. Plans solidified. Cameras not yet chosen. Might just turn into my first family vacation with nothing but an iPhone 14Pro as a camera...

Swimming continues apace. We've got three different coaches that are great at devising interesting and challenging workouts that keep the team continuously coming back for more. Lots of fast yards. Lots of inventive sets and cool, clean water to boot. Still trudging around town with a camera in my hands as well.

My fever seems to have broken as far as camera and gear acquisition goes. I cancelled an order for a camera last week and I've been indifferent to cameras ever since. We'll see how that plays out...

I was admonishing myself for buying a full set of Panasonic GH cameras last year and this year, including a GH6, but then one of my swim buddies called this week to see if I could produce some videos for his company's website and I was overjoyed to see that I had all the parts for great video work already in hand. Today I updated the GH6 firmware to version 2.2 which allows me to write files (photo and video) to a USB connected SSD drive. How fun!!!

I pulled out the Sennheiser wireless microphone gear this afternoon to refresh my knowledge and was thrilled to see that I'd removed the batteries before packing it all away last time I used it (around the Spring Break) so everything is still clean and working. No leaky battery issues.

Our shoot is a basic testimonial production for a geo-thermal product and we'll be doing it as a three camera scenario with a bunch of b-roll added. We have a scouting trip scheduled but we're still working on scheduling the principal videography and aiming for some time in the middle of the month. I'm heading out "street shooting" video with the GH6 for the next week or so just to get very familiar with the camera and the new capabilities. Might even shoot open gate in Pro Res. Exciting. 

Pissed off about the stock market. I liked it better when I felt richer. If we were back in the recent heady days of the market I'd already have that Hasselblad X2D ordered but now I'm trying to find coupons for pumpkin spice waffles at Trader Joe's. 

And wouldn't you know it? The minute I clicked on payment for our vacation flights and hotel my email started to blow up with requests to book projects right up until the day before we leave. It's the crazy universe.


  1. You mean except 2…as there was a guy hunkered down at a golf resort in Florida to delay a deposition in some suit against him.

    Envy the trip to the NW. At least here in Tejas the mornings have been pleasantly cool last few days.

  2. I love Berlin. I love Vancouver too.
    You have fine choices of holiday destinations. If cold and damp appeal might I also commend Wales - we have fun photography here too.

    Also, nice blues!


  3. May not be as cold as you think. I'm up the valley from Vancouver and it was 27 degrees today (80F). Kind of unusual for here.

  4. If the weather reverts to normal (an open question at the moment), Vancouver will be wet, but not that cold. A decent rain shell and a hat will do you well.

  5. "la minute où j'ai cliqué sur le paiement de nos vols de vacances et de mon hôtel, mon courrier électronique a commencé à exploser avec des demandes de réservation de projets jusqu'à la veille de notre départ. C'est l'univers fou."
    Ha ha. C'est le propre de l'indépendance. Quand je décide de partir en vacances, les commandes se déclenche.

  6. "I'd already have that Hasselblad X2D ordered but now I'm trying to find coupons for pumpkin spice waffles at Trader Joe's."

    The more you write the funnier you get, albeit on the wry side. LOL


  7. There are absolutely no problems going to Germany or anywhere else in the EU.and
    you would most likely be much safer than anywhere in the US, as Europeans are not allowed to run around with automatic assault rifles and guns.

  8. It will probably be rainy and cold by texas standards so i highly recommend a rain hat, gortex shell or equivalent and layers including a non cotton base layer and a fleece layer, i also recommend rain pants for when it's really raining; i am not a fan of umbrellas #ymmv. i'm in east vancouver and would love to meet up with you and other photo folks at revolver coffee in gastown at 325 cambie street, vancouver, some weekday afternoon if that works if that doesn't work,no worries, you aren't coming to Vancouver to meet a bunch of folks who read your blog :-) ! please don't hesitate to ask for Vancouver tips. I can give you tips on dining outdoors, eating cheap and cheerful and bicycling in the city of Vancouver. rolandt AT might be helpful but is probably overwhelming, if you feel like it and/or have the energy pleaselet me know what you are looking for food wise and photo wise and i'll blog about it for you.

  9. It's funny, I owned an adventure travel company for a number of years and personally escorted groups all over the world. My American clients always felt they had a target on their backs no matter where they went. Mostly I feel is a result of American media's skewed coverage of almost any world events. The media's job it seems is to make Americans feel paranoid about their fellow Americans and everyone else for that matter.

    Most American clients were pleasantly surprised to find the people in these foreign lands quite nice, honest and not out to kidnap them or slit their throats.


  10. Hi Eric, I have no fear whatsoever that someone is going to personally mess with me or make me unsafe....or dead. But one million Russian refugees is a lot of people to handle, house and feed in addition to the legions of Ukranians who have fled the conflict. Oh...and that crazy guy with nukes....

    I agree that everyone I've met on three of four continents is charming, gracious and non-violent but every once in a while a dictator goes nuts and there you are.

    Besides, I've heard such nice things about you Canadians... I thought I'd take the easy route this time. Maybe get some of those Tim Horton Donuts and see the sights without worrying about keeping a needy refugee out of a warm bed...

    But now Calgary. That place sounds dangerous...

  11. A Hasselblad X2D?! Even just considering it? I thought you had sworn off medium format.

  12. Hi John, Reminds me of the very last of the James Bond films with Sean Connery: Never say never again....

    But seriously, I was just toying with my readers. Not serious about photographic overkill in the time of computational photography. Not in the market for MF.

    Best, KT

  13. Kirk I understand where you are coming from and my comments weren't directed at you personally. The situation in Europe will be dire for sure. I also feel tourist dollars will be important to them when it comes to looking after all these refuges escaping from the Russian madman.

    Yes Calgary is VERY dangerous. The friendliness of everyone will kill you.

    Erna and I would love to show you and B around!


  14. Eric, no umbrage taken. You know my level of travel experience pretty well. But yes, Americans are scared to death of most international travel. Except for the ones with "fortress level" money.

    And Calgary. What can I say? Do you still have those DPR gang members? Chris and Jordan? What was the name of that gang?

    Oh, that's right, the "Equivalence Squad."

  15. If you are in Vancouver consider coming to the "Island", Vancouver Island that is. Lots to see and do. I'm in Qualicum Beach and can recommend the West Coast Tofino/Ucluelet, Courtenay area and Cowichan Valley.
    Stay away from Whistler, just a lot of corporate stores happy to take your$$ with the exception of the Audain Museaum.

  16. I second Tofino and Ucluelet.


  17. So you are coming to my hometown. I don’t know if our paths will cross when you are here, but I will at least wave “Hello!” if I spot you.

    If you are staying in a hotel in the downtown area there are a lot of things to see that are within walking distance. There is an extensive seawall that goes on for several miles. It is worth getting a daily transit pass to ride the Skytrain and Canada Line, which are largely on elevated track and go quickly throughout much of Metro Vancouver. It is a great way to get around and get a good look at the area. The Sea Bus will get you up to the North Shore, which is worth checking out. A couple of small fleets of aqua taxis can transport you to various parts of False Creek, including Granville Island, which you will definitely enjoy going to. Food here is very good. There is a robust craft brewing scene here as well. As others have mentioned, a quick side trip to Southern Vancouver Island can be a pleasant experience, even if it is just a day trip to Victoria.

    As for donuts - try Lucky’s Donuts or Lee’s Donuts (on Granville Island) if you want good donuts. Breka Bakery is good too. Tim Horton’s is a far cry from these places.

    You will likely find that people in Vancouver are not quite as warm and social as the people in Montreal. People here tend to be relatively aloof. Also, an area concentrated around Hastings and Main has become notorious for open drug (ab)use - I avoid that immediate area as much as possible. And, sadly, there seem to be a fair number of people walking about with mental health problems in various parts of the city. It is definitely worth coming to Vancouver, but don’t be shocked to find that the city isn’t a complete utopia.

    The weather this Fall has been surprisingly warm and dry for the area. It can typically be quite rainy from October to April. The advice given earlier to have a good raincoat and hat and footwear suitable for rainy weather is good advice. Having a couple of sweaters on hand wouldn’t be a bad idea either.

    I hope that you don’t get overwhelmed by work between now and your trip, which I think you will enjoy very much.

  18. Thanks Craig, B and I are very much looking forward to our trip. We'll be there for six or seven days and we have a very open schedule. I'm already declining work that might stretch into the last week of October. We would come earlier but wanted to be here for our son, Ben's birthday which falls into late October.

    Every city has it's issues and I feel pretty confident that if I could navigate Mexico City I can handle Vancouver. As to people being aloof....we'll see about that.

    I was kidding about Tim Horton's. I know that's like speculating that Dunkin Donuts is the best of American baking.... But Loved your suggestions and look forward to hearing from people who live in the area for breakfast suggestions as well.

    We are staying very central and do love taking public transportation. We had a blast navigating Montreal's really good subway system. B is a genius with maps and routing.

    Our snooty friends here in Austin are peppering us with dining suggestions that mostly run to: "And it's a Michelin star restaurant" so we'll want to avoid those and see where normal people dine up there.

    We always have a blast when we travel. No worries to worry about. I hope I find you out lurking around with a camera. It would be great to take a coffee together and meet face to face. Thanks.

  19. If the USD continues its current trend, by the time you go to Vancouver, everything you buy will be half off ! ;-)

  20. Karmagroovy, If hotel rates are any indication we're already there.

  21. Kirk Seeing all these travel recommendations from West Coasters I though I would comment from unbiased Toronto resident point of view. If you have only considered going to the "mainland" and staying in the Vancouver area, I would strongly recommend you consider taking the ferry to Vancouver Island. And, yes, Tofino, Ucluet and Long Beach are definitely worth the trip.

    P.S. I have to confess I am not actually "unbiased". I did live in Vancouver for a few years.


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