The Good Stuff.


Studio Light. Black and white. 135mm Zeiss lens on Contax RTSIII. Copied from a print.

©Kirk Tuck. 

I'm restarting an old project. I'm approaching well known people in Austin with the intention of making black and white portraits of them. The short term goal is to do a continuing show of the images on a dedicated website but the longer term intention is to produce a show of prints for one of the two photo-oriented galleries here in Austin that I like. We'll see how it goes. It's helpful to write out an intention because there seems to be more momentum behind a project that way. More stick-to-it-tiveness.

My first subject will likely be our former state senator, Kirk Watson. I have known him for decades and he's a fun and interesting character. It might be fun to compare a comtemporary image with the portrait I did of him at his law offices many, many years ago. Back then I photographed on color transparency film using a Hasselblad camera and a 150mm lens. This time around the portrait will probably be done with a Leica SL2 and the 24-90mm zoom. 

Incidentally, Kirk Watson is running a campaign to be mayor of Austin. It would be a reprise of his successful stewardship of the city back in the 1990s. 


  1. Sounds like an excellent plan.

  2. Jeez, that's a gorgeous portrait.

  3. What a great idea Kirk. Shouldn't be a hard sell once your desired subjects see some of your portraits!


  4. I think portraiture is your strength based on your posts. The portrait in this post is lovely, The model is too.


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