The Good Stuff.


A small gallery of Sigma fp files with the Cinema minus two profile. All images taken with the Sigma 45mm f2.8 Contemporary lens.



  1. Ohhhh, I really like that profile.


  2. Thanks Eric, I'm partial to it as well. It's....mellow. For want of a better description.

  3. I would like to make a film with that profile. 14bit 4K CDNG. Talk about hard drive space. I may have to click the button.

  4. Cool thing is that you can write from the camera directly to an SSD. So much cheaper than big, fast SD cards or even more expensive CF Express B cards!

  5. That’s a lovely profile! Looks like a marriage between Fujifilm’s Eterna and Classic Negative profiles. Slightly warm, open shadows,”natural” color saturation and contrast.

  6. Kirk

    You are evil. EVIL! I say! 😈

    First you tempt me into following you into the world of M43, then the dark regions of the SL2, and now with the fp you are going deeper into the dungeons of the L-mount. My back and my wallet try to pull me back from the abis. But, you seem to just keep feeding my camera and lens habit that I can’t turn down the G.A.S. 😉😎

    All kidding aside. The color profile is an interesting experiment and the write up and images do add to my thoughts of adding an fp to my collection.

    I can see this may be another expensive year.

  7. They should rename it the grey November profile. Good look for a love is lost divorce flick, gloomy, moody. Then in late afternoon, sun squeaks through for a moment, just as an insult to the psyche because you weren't feeling low enough. If an election day looked like that, no one would bother to vote.

    Reminds me of that youtube series, Henri, the existential cat.

    At a sidewalk bar, a Gallic shrug, "Oui, un autre café, pourquoi pas."

  8. I am very late to the party; what is the cinema minus two profile and how do I get it on my sigma fp? Thankd


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