The Good Stuff.


Auditioning camera and lens choices with travel in mind. I came across this particular atmospheric environmental expression this afternoon...

I'm doing some vacation traveling early next month and I'm auditioning single camera and lens combinations with an eye to only taking the most pared down kit with me. The way I'm distilling the choices is by taking the camera and lens under consideration with me for an afternoon long romp through the city. 

The important parameters I'm testing for are:

1. Image quality

2. Ease of use

3. Best focal length for my eccentric vision

4. Overall portability

5. Weight and size (I'll be carrying the package across one shoulder and will NOT bring a camera bag).

6. Battery life and, subsequently, battery size and weight

7. Degree of sadness entailed should the camera get lost, stolen, destroyed or otherwise rendered null

8. The handling happiness quotient

9. Replaceability should either camera or lens or both die unexpectedly. Could I acquire a replacement SL2 or similar on the same day if something tragic befalls the initial camera?

10. Will most people ignore the camera?

Today's package candidate was the Leica SL2 combined with the 45mm Sigma f2.8 i-Series. I give it passing grades for most of my point above but it's only C+ for portability. It's a solid A+ for image quality. It's a C- for battery life and a C+ for battery size and weight. Strangely it only earned a solid B for HHQ (handling happiness quotient).  It's still in the running. 

In the course of walking around I noticed that the sky was in transition from "generic sunny sky" type to "windy, wispy cloud sky". I thought the image above nicely reflected the moodiness of the atmosphere. 

Another candidate that I'll be auditioning this week will be a Leica CL paired up with either the 30mm f1.4 Sigma or the 18-50mm f2.8 Sigma zoom. We'll see how well it fares.

That's all for now.


  1. Consider water resistance as rain is probable, even though its been very dry here for an unusually long time.

  2. Kirk

    I will second Rusty’s comment and add the suggestion to consider how well your choice will slip under a jacket if needed. Rain has returned to Seattle this weekend. Vancouver, BC, is probably seeing the same weather.


  3. Kirk,
    Since your birthday is coming and the trip. Get your self a new or used Olympus Pen-f camera and use a Sigma prime on it. Maybe the 30mm f1.4 or 30mm f2.8 if you get still find one. The BW or color features are the best and its a fun camera.
    Why not try something different? Also cheaper than a new Leica.

  4. Rusty and PaulB, All the more reason to bring the SL2 which, as far as I know, is the only rated, and publicly stated, IP54 camera on the market today. It's the highest rated against moisture and dust intrusion in the entire industry. Comparatively speaking Sony, Canon and Nikon cameras leak like sieves. Or screen doors on submarines. Or some even better analogy that I'm not familiar with.

  5. No need to go through all the hassle of auditioning cameras as Hugh Brownstone already did all of the work a month ago. The winner is the Leica CL. See YT video Vacation Cameras 2022.

  6. I suggest your S5 with 20-60 lens. I brought this kit to Egypt and returned home with some amazing images. Small (enough), weather sealed, amazing images and dynamic range (in good light and bad), great battery life, and inexpensive enough (comparatively speaking) to replace if necessary. An all around fantastic travel kit.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Kirk, whatever modern camera will give you plentiful of image quallity, provided that you couple it with a decent lens, possibly a 28-85 (equivalent) zoom, in order to minimize the need of cropping. I would go for the lightest you have (carrying too much weight is tiresome), with an eye to the one wich is most fun to operate.

  9. I imagine your mft's would also be fine in the rain with the oly 12-45

  10. Don't take the CL. You can always buy another SL, (used), or new SL2 much more easily.

  11. For easy portability + image quality + versatile zoom range + nice EVF, I reach for my Canon G1X Mark III.

  12. It saddens me that you gave up on the Fuji X100V. Enjoy your trip!

    1. Light, portable and can be made waterproof I believe. If I was forced to take just one camera on a trip, it would be an X100*. Especially if I thought the light might be a bit grim!

  13. New iPhone or Pixel 7/6 Pro? As you have noted, phones are very good now. They also score at the top for being ignored and are waterproof.

  14. Concur on the SL2. As Rusty and PaulB noted, the fall rains have returned here and will be with us awhile. I was shooting in a downpour yesterday with the SL, and only had to wipe it down with a bar towel now and then so it wouldn't get too slippery.

  15. Leaning towards the SL2 + 50mm f2.0 SL Summicron. Just because of the weather forecast...

  16. Is the Sigma 45 not weather sealed enough? It would make the gear more portable that the Summicron.

  17. I went through a very similar thought process selecting a camera for a trip through New Englend over the last couple of weeks. I cheated and took an extra lens but it was small/tiny. I ended up with a Lumix GX8, the PanaLeica 12-60mm, and the PanaLeica 25mm. I took a small sling bag for times when i needed to have the camera handy but not at hand and was glad I did. It protected the camera/lens from weather and bumps and allowed me more mobility than I'd have with a camera over my shoulder. Also provided convenient storage for incidentals (batteries, cords, phone, memory cards ...). After most trips my lessons learned usually revolve around what I wish I had and what was never used. When we repeat this trip next fall (and my wife assures me we will) I won't change a thing.
    Enjoy your travels.


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