The Good Stuff.


Having fun in sunny Vancouver.

 We’ve had two days of crystal clear clear sunlight and two rainy days that didn’t slow us down in the least. Vancouver is a wonderful city!!!

Yes, I have only one camera and one lens with me but it’s actually a nice change. Can’t believe Leica got me a beta SL3 just in time for our trip. Wow! 22 stops of dynamic range, 120 Megapixel sensor and 10 terabytes of built in storage!! And an IP 1200 rating for resistance to electro magnetic 🧲 pulse weapons. All that and a 24 megapixel EVF. 

Oops! I forgot about that NDA I signed….

I ordered mine with the Komodo Dragon leather. Sucks for the endangered species but DAMN it looks good…

Back to reality and home in a few days….


  1. That Komodo leather must be very expensive Kirk, I wouldn’t want the job of acquiring it. I have witnessed what they can do when they are hungry.

  2. Is this April 1st? Do we fall back in months tonight in addition to hours?

  3. For a relatively small (in Leica terms) additional sum you could have ordered the 24K Gold version, which nicely couples with the dragon skin cover!

  4. I heard it only does 9.5 frames per second. That's a deal killer for me, I need at least 10. Quantity over quality every time, that's my motto!

  5. Really disappointed in Leica they dropped the ball on that EVF. Was hoping for 60MP. Enjoy your trip!

  6. Did it come with a rock-steady 4 oz. six-foot tripod? I've been waiting for that one.

  7. I was glad we were able to meet up for coffee, Kirk. The conversation was wonderful. I hope that you and Belinda made it to Granville Island on Saturday. On a whim I decided to see if I could book a reservation at the bird sanctuary I spoke with you about for Saturday morning, and was (shockingly) actually able to make one. I hope that you have a safe and uneventful journey back to Austin. I look forward to seeing your photos after you get back.

    BTW, I must say that Leica did an amazing job of styling the new SL3 to look just like a Lumix S5. ;-) If only they could style their prices the same way - more of us could afford one.

  8. Color characteristics of the SL3 look eerily similar to those of an iPhone. Has Leica decided mainstream is the way to go for the future?

  9. The Lumix S5 appearance of the Leica SL3 beta version is just concealment for the prototype. Btw. Kirk, could you also try out the rumored new Noctiluxus 1 : 0,5 / 50 ? Some lenses of which are said to consist of special glass produced from molten meteorite rock ? :-)
    Have a good time in Canada, regards,
    Helmut the Austrian.

  10. I looked out the window a couple of days ago and saw a whole bunch of "bright stuff". Had to refer to Wikipedia and an online science encyclopedia to figure out what it was ... both said "It's SUNSHINE". Delighted to hear you hit the jackpot Mr.T and are having a good time. When the sun shines in Vancouver there is nowhere else on earth like it. ENJOY!!!😎

  11. glad you made it to the seawall! i bicycled in Stanley Park in the pouring rain today :-) which of course is not recommended for tourists :-) !


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