The Good Stuff.


It was recently brought to my attention that I've been woefully behind in posting swim information!!!


Vancouver Aquatic Center.

I'm sure any of my readers who are also planning trips to Vancouver will want to know about the Aquatics Center. It's on the way to the water taxis that take people to Granville Island. I'm curious to know why none of the folks more familiar than I with Vancouver failed to mention this standout facility.... 😆

The pool is a 50 meter main pool with a separate diving well to the far side of the entrance. The cost to swim is $3 Canadian and if you are so disposed there are two different masters teams that have scheduled practices throughout the week. It's an absolute must see! for anyone traveling into the northwest.

I have been watching videos of American swimming star, Katie Ladecky, for the last month. She shattered the world records in both the 800 and 1500 yard short course events. Many of the swim sites on YouTube have been showing her swims in slow motion and pointing out all the ways in which she achieves speed and efficiency in the water. you'll definitely want to check this out. It plainly shows the difference between real sports 

I have been trying to incorporate as much of her style into my own freestyle swimming and I'm pretty happy with the results. So much of the finesse is in the arm/hand catch and the trajectory of her pull through. Just watch the video and you'll probably swim faster by five seconds per hundred. 

I got back into town and finally home at 2:30 a.m. Tuesday morning so I missed the workout that morning. I thought it better to sleep. But I have made the next three days in a row to make up for the week I took off. 

This morning was wonderful. Our weather is about to turn but it was warm and there was a gentle breeze when we hit the water at 8. I shared a lane with Leslie and we paced with the folks in the adjacent lane hammering through the typical 3,000+ yard work out. The time off was helpful and I was nicely relaxed in the water today. I've been trying to stretch more between workouts and that seems to aid in making my stroke a bit more efficient. 

We did a series of nine 100 yard swims and I was delighted to hold a 1:25 pace on most of the set. Not too bad. 

I've got two more good swim days ahead of me before I break for a couple days of work. Add in some strength training and I've basically got a full schedule ahead. 

Note: more and more scientific research is pointing to exercise as the fountain of youth. doesn't really matter which kind of exercise as long as you're moving and breathing harder than you do when you're sitting on the couch watching TV and munching on chips. An hour a day is nice. Two hours is even better. 

I just knew you wanted to read a bit about swimming.... so there you go. 


  1. Oh. Gee. Golly... No comments? Heartbroken...

  2. Now, let's talk SL2-S. Why is it not a member of your arsenal chest? I thought it would be a perfect backup cam, sharing all the attributes of the others and more. Just curious.

  3. Want one but already have two of the phenomenal SL cameras. They work well. Maybe next year. S5 is also a great backup camera! Mobile Kirk

  4. Swimming is okay for health junkies, and I do it myself when I can, but it really can't compare to golf as an adult pastime. I have just spent camera-level cash for equipment that promises an extra eight yards off the tee. Eight! Yards!

  5. I, for one, do have a problem with your swimming posts. It's not that they aren't well written - they are. It's not that they are boring - they aren't. It's... well... guilt. I don't even get as much walking about and photographing as you do - let alone swim masters classes x times per week as well. Yea, I know, shame on me.

    I think I'll just buy a box of Timbits, an exra-large double double and settle down in front of the TV for the night. Don't scoff, I do get to put in a five minute walk to get the donuts - each way!

  6. I hadn’t recommended that pool because I have never been in it. (And I used to live just a few blocks from there.) I am surprised you were there. I understood that the exterior was degrading, and that the city was either going to demolish the building and build a new one, or do extensive renovation to the existing structure. I am also surprised that a pool operated by the city is suitable for competitions and high-level training. The city pools I have gone to feature slides and “lazy rivers” and an assortment of “floaty things” that kids like to climb on or chuck at each other.

    That pool looks like a great one for swimming to get exercise. I am an accomplished dog paddler. It does have a (glacially) slow lane I hope.

  7. Craig, Drop on by. It's a beautiful, 50 meter competition pool and there were lanes for every speed. It's only $3 Canadian. One of the stellar bargains of our age!!! No slides, no floats, no trash. Just sparkling clean water and endless lanes.

    Dog paddling most welcome.

  8. Jon, I'm sorry to cause guilt. Maybe swimming is just not your bag. Perhaps running marathons? Whatever works.

    Or maybe just lean into the photography... 😀

  9. my apologie, i am not a good swimmer (love the water though, we had swimming pool growing up!). i also figured you'd know about all the great Vancouver pools including the aquatic centre!

  10. I deleted a post because I had absolutely no idea what the commenter was trying to say. Not really sure they knew either. CF

  11. I'm always happy to read swimming posts. My wife, always more sensible than I am, has just recently taken up learning freestyle at 46. I'd love to join her, but I have a frozen shoulder that has to be resolved. Inside though, I spend several hours a week puffing away on my bike. The posts motivate me. Thank you Kirk.


  12. In kayaking, swimming is what happens when you make a bunch of mistakes.
    For kayaking, a pool is to practice so that you don't have to swim.

    Post about swimming from people do like it and do it on purpose broaden my perspective.

  13. Sure tell you about awesome Indian food, great Chinese food - beautiful scenery, and what do you go to a swimming pool :)


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