The Good Stuff.


Snow today in Vancouver. Then sunshine.



  1. yup that was amazingly bad but actually kind of normal to have snow in November?!?

  2. And to think that 3 weeks ago we had a severe drought and had 30 degree (celcius) weather! Crazy! Hope you're managing! ��

  3. Check out the mountains you guys, you’ll get a great image from Kits Beach

  4. All good. Great holiday. Kirk

  5. Here on the east coast of Canada we have just set a high temperature record of 24 degrees celsius or 75 degrees fahrenheit. The temperature has been hovering around 70 degrees F for four days, but tomorrow we are back to normal with a high of 7 degrees Celsius with 30 mph winds.

  6. We loved the zany weather. It's so different from Austin. I can see though if you live with the same cold, grey for months it might get a little old.....

    Vancouver is wonderful.


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