The Good Stuff.


A new version of formal wear.

 Last week I surprised myself by pulling the Sigma 70mm Macro, Art Series lens out of the drawer and tossing it onto a Leica SL for a tromp through the streets. I found this dinner jacket to be hilariously over-tooled....until I decided that I really like it. Maybe not for me but on someone...

That lens is a real sleeper. Might be the sharpest lens I have in the whole bucket of glassware.

Today's combo is a CL with the Sigma 56mm f1.4, set up for monochrome. Gee, it just dawned on me how much Sigma stuff I've accumulated and how good all of it is. Saved a fortune compared to some other L mount company's products....


  1. Which is more hideous, the jacket or the bowtie? I would say the bowtie......

  2. The 70mm Sigma macro lenses have a long-standing reputation for excellent sharpness and contrast. If I recall correctly, Imaging Resource used an earlier version for many years as it’s reference lens when reviewing camera bodies. It was among the sharpest lenses and available in many different mounts, enabling valid comparisons across manufacturers.

  3. Pretty understated for Mardi Gras wear, which it might be.

  4. Concur about the Sigma gear. If only Sigma now brought out an fp with integrated EVF. They might just beat Leica to the one thing that’s missing in the red dot line up: an M with EVF instead of RF (for the wearers of glasses who don’t care for stick-on viewfinders - ever seen a Bianchi racebike with a trailer coupling? and still would like to go beyond 35 / 50mm) or a Q with M mount.


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