The Good Stuff.


I'm not recommending cameras to friends anymore. I either underestimate or overestimate their technical needs and their passion for the art.

 I have a friend who has an MFA and is the quintessential artist-not-gear guy. He's owned a lot of cameras and he has a great sense of finding the right subjects and making great compositions. I hate to admit it but he's a much more creative photographer than me. I know a lot about cameras and lenses, having owned plenty of them. I can test them with the best of the online reviewers. I use the heck out of the ones I like. But he's the better artist. He cares more acutely about the finished image and less about how he gets there. 

Over the years he's owned a fair number of cameras as well but he's not good at remembering all the ins and outs of complicated menus and he's not always thrilled with the color science he gets out of his cameras. The techie details seem to elude him. I guess it's a trade-off. 

Lately he's been looking through some video projects I've recently done and also through various sharing feeds I have both privately and publicly online. He's called me to tell me that he really likes the color I get from my cameras and he's convinced himself that it must be because I'm shooting with Leica cameras, and sometimes Leica lenses. He's buying into the hype that somehow the image pipeline of the Leicas is vastly different (and superior?) from all the other current cameras. And he recently queried me to ask which Leicas he should consider. 

I was at a loss for what to tell him. I don't think he'd be happy with a Q2 because he likes to play around with anamorphic lenses and he still needs to shoot video with his camera. The Q2 video itself is great but it's the least friendly camera for a professional to use as it lacks any sort of ports or interfaces. Not even a USB port. Certainly no microphone or headphone jacks. And I'm not sure you could even adapt an anamorphic lens on top of the fixed 28mm lens...

While I really like the SL2 my friend has a much different sensitivity than I do when it comes to high ISO noise. He hates it. As long as my noisy camera is monochrome-ish and film grain-like I'm pretty much okay with noise at ISOs from 1600 & up. It's the logical trade-off (to me) for the increased resolution. 

The CL cameras are a non-starter for him as he is resolutely convinced that full frame is always the way to go. And, again, while I love the CLs for still photography it's just a mean-spirited camera for video shooters. Again, no ports. No interaction. And, in the case of the CLs, no waveforms or color meters for video.

That leaves the SL (601) cameras which have been my favorite mirrorless Leica choice since I put the first one into my hands. But it's absolutely a non-starter for my friend. The camera is clunky, the finder is less impressive than the one in the current SL2 models, the sensor has less dynamic range and it's slow to focus when using C-AF. And at heart he's a video guy with a bag full of Sonys who believes with all of his heart that current, modern video demands instantaneous, locked-on AF. The SL would quickly drive him crazy. And his less than rigorous regard for memorizing camera controls means the unmarked buttons on the back of the SL will repeatedly mystify him at exactly the wrong times. Imagine camera flying into wall...

As you can see there's no way I can recommend the cameras I use (and like) knowing how he works with cameras in general. Any recommendation would be a disservice. 

And that's just the cameras themselves. Trying to convince him that the cameras are only half the puzzle and that an ample portion of what he likes in most of the photographs also comes from the Leica lenses. He loves lenses and the idea that the lenses he would really want in the system retail for about $5500 each would be incredibly frustrating. Especially since he likes lots of lenses with his systems. 

He's currently using Sony cameras and lenses and with the exception of the color science (which I think he can correct in post --- if willing) he seems right at home with them. I, on the other hand, dislike just about everything in the Sony camera line up. From the haptics to the menus to the color and the general build quality of the cameras (try finding a marked IP dust and moisture rating on one of them...). I could use them in a pinch but as far as nice camera bodies (not systems, just bodies) goes my first preference is the big Leicas followed by the bigger Panasonic S1 cameras and then the bigger Canons followed by the Nikon Z series and finally, in last place, the Sony cameras. 

For him the whole equation is exactly opposite. So why in the world would I believe myself to be at all capable of making any sort of smart camera system recommendation? I personally think he'd be thrilled with the Panasonic S1H and the Lumix lenses; especially since his full time job is all about making great video, but he bought into the (over blown) trauma and drama of Panasonic not having the perfect C-AF, a la PDAF, and won't touch em. 

On the other hand a neighbor recently asked me to recommend a camera for his wife. She doesn't currently have one and wanted one to photograph her (almost) grown kids, vacations, travel, some nature stuff, etc. I listened and thought that a good camera for her might be the Sony RX100 VII. Her husband and I looked at the camera and specs on B&H's website and he agreed that it looked pretty great to him. Small and light enough for travel but still possessed of a 200mm equivalent lens on the long end. I did advise him to keep all the boxes, packaging, bits and pieces and NOT to fill out the warranty cards. Lucky me. 

She didn't like the camera at all. Zoomed out to 200mm and decided that was far too short for her way of working. They're sending the camera back and have decided (with less input from me) to invest in a Sony A7iii camera, a standard zoom and a long Sony zoom that extends to 400mm. I would never have guessed. Especially since in our first talks the husband seemed price sensitive and it seemed that the $1299 for the first camera felt like a stretch to him. I should have known better than to take his budget sensitivity seriously. They are both high income professionals. 

So, each time I advise someone on cameras I strike out. I'm bad at figuring out what other people want and what they'll be most comfortable with. 

And it's dawned on me that I'm a bit of an eccentric when it comes to cameras and lenses. I like stuff that pushes back a bit. I like stuff that's built like a tank more than I like stuff that's just easy to carry. And I mostly like the idea of state of the art optics --- even if objectively they are not better than any other brand's top line stuff. I like weird, counterintuitive cameras. I like weird, vintage lenses. But I also like grossly expensive lenses too.

In fact, I think I really suck at helping people choose cameras. Or lenses. And I'm going to stop trying before I lose some of my otherwise kind and wonderful friends. And neighbors. 

I have just been telling everyone to use their phones. Or I give them the URL for DPReview and invite them to step into the maelstrom of subjective, brand terrorism on their own. Ah, the forae. 

A word to the wise: If I write about a camera or a lens here be sure to take any positivity you might sense in my appraisal with a massive block of salt. A mountain of salt.  Chances are that anything I profess to love will drive you crazy, not work the way you'd like, focus like a sloth, have limited dynamic range and cost you the equivalent of a small, but functional, used car. 

You have been warned. 

Coming up next on the blog: Why you must run out right now and buy a Pentax K-01 !!!!



  1. Santa Fe has a spectacular Christmas display which converts the entire plaza into a cascade of bright, multi-colored lights hanging from all the trees. My wife's favorite niece was here, and they pushed me to take the Z7 so they could get good pictures of themselves in the crowds with all those lights. I got some nice shots, what they wanted, their iPhones were about as good. They just wanted little pictures to show somebody. So, advising people on cameras is just too tricky to contemplate. It all comes down to what they see in their heads, and they're usually not too good at explaining that. Your friend's wife wants a 400? Somebody else wants a 28 so she can get everybody in. Best advise probably is, "Have you really explored you iPhone?"

  2. Never listen to a husband when he is trying to descibe what he thinks his wife wants.


  3. Agreed. My brother-in-law was recently eyeing one of my cameras and lenses, and asked me what I would recommend, and what it would cost. The last time I saw him with a camera in his hands, it was a Canon AE-1. I pointed at his iPhone lying on the table between us, and told him he already has a good enough camera, he just needs to get familiar with how it operates. We'll see how that ends up.

  4. Sigma FP-L with Sigma C lenses and the EFV-11. Add a adapter for Leica M mount lenses or whatever lenses you want to adapt to the L mount. My son loves the Panasonic S1 for stills and video. He's using a Minolta MD lens adapter with some of Minolta's best MD lenses for both stills and video. He loves the colors.

  5. "invest in a Sony A7iii camera, a standard zoom and a long Sony zoom that extends to 400mm." <-- My guess is this camera won't be used more than 1 or two vacations! Love to be proven wrong :-) Sony's user interface and the fact they won't be able to share and edit the A7iii photos easily on their phones means it's a no go for most folks in 2023 sadly!

  6. Hello, Mr. Tuck,

    So, I am thinking I want a new system for the new year. Do you have recommendations for me? I am not sure what I want to photograph, but since you're a professional, I am sure you'll have some great ideas. Thank you in advance for your time! ;)


  7. Bonjour Kirk,
    IL semblerait que le Lumix S5ii coche toutes les cases pour votre ami artiste.

  8. I just say "I love my pair of Canon RP bodies".
    Canon (UK) will loan you a camera and lenses free to try out for two days...
    If you don't like them, rent something else before buying.

  9. A friend of mine recently asked me about which Leica camera and lenses to buy for an overall budget of around $15k. I went down both the M and SL routes, what would work well for his photographic needs and the dealers to buy from, both new and secondhand. (Bearing in mind that $15k can disappear quite quickly in almost any camera system). I also pointed out that the M series have a more heritage appeal., albeit fine instruments in their own right, but if he wanted to concentrate on photography, the Sl series would be better.

    I know he likes well made gear as he has a Leitz stereo microscope, although no photo gear to speak of - yet....

  10. just tell them to get the ferrari 599

  11. I hope this will make you feel better.

    I currently have 2 Panasonic G9s, a Lumix S5, a Lumix S1R, a sigma fp and numerous Sigma and Panasonic lenses with an S5II ordered. Almost all acquired due to your writing about them. I love each and every one of them. The menus are clear and organized and the results are uniformly great. So you can say the at least one person listened to you.

  12. "Ah, the forae". I may or may not have snorted a bit of coffee with that.

  13. Funny, the two times I'v bought into a camera system based on your blogs, I've been very happy with the results. I'll be using my CLs till they no longer function. I'm desperately trying not to buy a Sigma fp which I don't really need, but you make it sound so appealing for some of the work I do.

    Life many others here, I do get asked frequently about what cameras to buy and I can't remember one time anyone has followed my advice!


  14. Rec the Lumix S5ii, no more issues with focus in video and better IBIS. Agree with RJ on color of Minolta lenses, and their color matching efforts back in the day. And Mrs Tallywhacker my Latin teacher would prefer fora, if you meant forums.

  15. I loved my Pentax K-01, shot it often until it broke (next time I am in Japan, I will look for a replacement). Basically, I do 'stroll photography,' with a bunch of older mirrorless cameras. I don't drink coffee, and don't need (except for sports, action, wildlife) a viewfinder. So for me the K-01 rocks.

  16. I hear you, Kirk. I stopped advising family, friends and colleagues on camera purchases a long time ago. Most simply can't be bothered putting any effort into image making. "Gee, that's a great picture. You must have a good camera." So, like you, I just tell them to use their phones. I also no longer advise people on car or truck purchases - even though I am considered the car expert in my social circle. 99.9 percent of those asking me about vehicle purchases are only looking for confirmation of what they already think.

  17. I think that photographers should be advising their friends and relations to buy film era point & shoots. They would then have some photos in shoe boxes to sort through when they're older. With smart phones, there's a good chance they will have nothing.

  18. I know no one who has any interes in photography. However there is no magic bullet available to purchase from anywhere. uses a Samsung Galaxy phone.

  19. My Sigma dp0 outquirks anything in your arsenal Kirk. I’d recommend it to any of YOUR friends in the blink of an eye. Arg

  20. >I have just been telling everyone to use their phones

    If they are asking for camera recommendations, that is exactly the right response. They will actually end up taking pictures of their families and their vacations and the pictures will be good enough.

    I am constantly surprised by the quality of the pictures I can take with my Pixel 7 Pro when I use it as carefully as I would a professional camera. I pretend I am looking at a ground glass. Now I just need a miniature dark cloth. :-)

  21. I bought a used Canon Rebel for my ex-wife. She had used Canons to assist me on a couple weddings back in the day and shown some competency. She wanted to make a little money on the side shooting without breaking the bank. I figured, Rebel body, flash, standard lens and a nifty 50, can't miss. She gushed over them for a couple days and then... nothing. Last time I asked it'd been months since she even touched the kit. Passion can be infectious, but it's not always contagious.


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